The Veggie-Burgers Thread

No, because all that I have picked up to read about all contain permitted flavourings and MSG is a legally permitted flavouring.

I used to buy them but now only if I see them reduced, after discovering how easy they are to make with healthier ingredients , no additives and so much cheaper.
I usually use potatoes or sweet potatoes as the stodgy bit and then add the veg, lentils, beans etc

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I bought two different types from Waitrose the other day, and neither mention MSG or the “flavouring” word.
GoVeggie: Aubergine & Feta
Plantliving: Tofu & Edamame
Anyway, I was rather hoping you’d make your own and share your recipe.

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I would like to think you would be healthy without vegetables, but I don’t think that is so.

I love veggie burgers! The Spicy black bean is my favorite! Served with a slice of American cheese, mayo, lettuce, tomato and a slice of onion…mmmmummmm.

What is Morning Star veggie burger made of?

Ingredients: Water, carrots, onions, soy protein concentrate, mushrooms, water chestnuts, soy flour, wheat gluten, vegetable oil (corn, canola and/or sunflower), green bell peppers, soy protein isolate, cooked brown rice (water, brown rice), whole grain oats, onion powder, red bell peppers, cornstarch.


OMG !!! VEGETABLES in Bruce’s pantry !!! :open_mouth: Oh ? :thinking: I guess they must be to feed his “pigs, sheep, goats, kangaroos etc” because he already stated in reply to my “Be very thankful for veggies.” as follows…

“I thought I was, I’d rather the animals eat it so I don’t have to.”

But there again he chose to also selectively ignore my …
" So without these vegetables there would be NO “pigs, sheep, goats, kangaroos etc” to do ANY of this processing so they would not even exist.

So Bruce … is it time to come out of the closet and tell us what you truly do eat or should we not believe any of it & just mark it up as just one big fib.??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :roll_eyes:

In another area we were discussing “SOYLENT GREEN” You aren’t secretly living on that I fear? :face_vomiting: And no more fibs now - we will understand if so & you will have the sympathy of us all …

Others above I’m certain would take pity & be prepared to share with you some of their veggies - anything rather than Soylent Green even though it would mean you missing out on that “meat fix” you appear to crave. :innocent: :face_vomiting: :laughing:

P.S. for those unfamiliar “Soylent Green” was “food” for humans in a science fiction movie where the Soylent Green was actually made outside the walls of a future city and let’s just say that when you left this planet you became part of the ultimate recycling and returned to … well… I wouldn’t recommend eating soylent green - ever. :innocent: :laughing:


Those pickled things look disgusting :nauseated_face:

I think they are supposed to resemble kanga foetuses.

I never see Morning Star products in the shops anymore.
It’s a shame because the Morning Star vegan bacon was the best. I’ve tried many brands since but none of them have managed the authentic taste and texture that Morning Star did.

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That’s even more :face_vomiting:

It’s been a while since I’ve eaten a veggie burger. I used to eat them a lot. Mostly the commercial ones. There was also a takeout place that had a black bean burger that was yummy.

I’ve eaten the Morningstar ones. I agree with RightNow that the black beans ones were good. I also ate Boca burgers. They were more meat-like and had a smokey flavor. I liked them less.

I ate a bunch of different flavors of Amy’s Kitchen veggie burgers. Those were good.

I also ate eggplant (aubergine) patties that were breaded and baked.

I’ve heard good things about Beyond Meat. I haven’t gotten around to trying it.


Now that’s something I haven’t had for a while - I must pop that on my list along with a reminder about the black beans too.




Oh for gawd’s sake,does it matter? I didn’t say I don’t eat vegetables I said I prefer animals to process them. I occasionally eat carrots, sweet corn and peas because they come frozen in convenient packs so last a long time.

BTW cucumbers are a fruit not a vegetable

"Oh for gawd’s sake,does it matter? "


No… not really… but do I detect some backpedalling here? :innocent: & it wouldn’t have mattered but for the seemingly sarcastic &/or dismissive chide made in the beginning, ie your earlier original posting.

And as for the remark that “BTW cucumbers are a fruit not a vegetable”

Well as you say does it matter ?..
So I’m sure you won’t mind me pointing out that cucumbers are considered to be both a fruit and a vegetable.
Under Botanical definition they are as you say considered a fruit
Under Culinary definition they are a VEGETABLE.

The Culinary Classification: Cucumbers are vegetables.

A nutritionist, chef or even your grandma, would use the culinary classification system, that defines fruit and vegetables in a slightly different manner, basing it on the way the plants are used and their flavour profiles.1 Culinary speaking, a ‘vegetable’ usually has a tougher texture, tastes blander and often requires cooking in dishes like stews, soups or stir-fries.1,2 A ‘fruit’, however, has a soft texture, tends to be either sweet or tart and is often enjoyed raw or in desserts or jams.1,2

Cucumbers can be crunchy, refreshing and enjoyed raw. Yet, we also prepare cucumbers in savoury dishes like pickling, which is why we usually classify cucumbers as vegetables."


But as you say “Oh for gawd’s sake,does it matter?” :innocent: :grin:


Absolutely agree!

Lets not start splitting courgettes now :smiley:

So these Waitrose veggie burger tasted OK at first, then, after half a dozen times they tasted pretty disgusting so I’m back on beefburgers and other animal. From the butcher, but wait, waitrose do a mean slow cooked pork. I think the one I bought cost about £7 enough for two plus leftovers for sandwiches. Jolly tasty.


I always make my own now , very easy and a fraction of the price. Mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes make a great base, mix in any sort of beans and vegetables, shape, coat in flour and fry.

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I had a vegan ‘chicken’ pie recently. It was totally tasteless. There were pieces of constructed soya trying to imitate chicken. Why not be honest about it and make a vegetable pie, perhaps with some spice to boost up the flavour, which I would be perfectly happy with.

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