The three Gnu's

One upon a time there were 3 Gnu’s, Daddy Gnu- Mummy Gnu and baby Gnu. One winter it was so cold and they had run out of food Daddy Gnu said he would go out and get some. After several hours he had not returned and Mummy Gnu was getting worried. Eventually she decided to go find out what has happened to Daddy Gnu So Mummy Gnu went out looking for him and she didn’t return either. By now Baby Gnu eventually died through lack of food.
That is the end of the Gnu’s, now for the weather forecast

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I can also tell you a story about little red riding hood and the big bad wolf if you want to read it. believe me it is even worse than the above. Still must be worth a promotion to level 3

Do you remember yesterday when you were demoted to non TL status…:joy::joy::joy:

realspeed, Don’t give up your day job!

I must remember to read the Gnu bedtime story to my grandchildren on Halloween Night whilst wearing a ‘Scream’ mask!