The Talk to Me thread

Did it look like this?


From watching youtube, they say that bread pudding in the US and UK are different. I’m wondering if what I’m picturing is what you’re describing.

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Yes that’s it. I used to make it but i would soak the stale bread in water then squeeze the water out then put all the other ingredients in. It was solid but edible.
This is the video that i watched, he’s from the UK in Yorkshire but lives in another country now.

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Yum! :yum:

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It might have turned out better if i hadn’t cooked it in the microwave to save on the cost of it in the oven.

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Tomorrow is shrove Tuesday, so going to have pancakes for dinner. We have them with lemon juice and lots of sugar.


Ahh that’s a shame. Obviously different ‘spoons’ must offer different menus.


I have won £10 on the Set For Life lottery draw.
Deciding how to spend my new found riches :grinning:


Mine’s a large gin and tonic…




I’ll buy the crisps.

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Congrats! :confetti_ball:

I used to play Scratchers. You scratch off the covering on a card with a coin to see if you won. Everyone says you lose with those things so I kept a spreadsheet of how much money I spent buying them and how much I won. When I stopped, I was ahead, so just fun.


I wouldn’t keep a spreadsheet on gambling, the truth hurts :smile:

That’s your own truth (not anyone else’s BTW) :icon_wink:


Well done, thing is will you spend it on more lottery tickets?

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Good question…I’ve sent it the bank account but I’m happy to invest £3 a week for the remote chance of getting £10,000 a month :grinning:

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That’s good. I used to write down the numbers that used to come up and the ones that came up more i would put them on the ticket, it does work sometimes, but couldn’t be bothered anymore.

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Only when you’re losing. It’s all good when you’re winning. :money_with_wings: :moneybag:

I actually bought more tickets with the winnings. If I went negative, I might have quit, I guess, but not something I thought much about at the time.


Would the stock market be considered gambling? I dabbled this last week and wondering if that’s what was keeping me up. day 1 down one hundred, day 2, down another, day 3 up 400. I think its time to exit that game.


Probably depends on how you play it. Day trading is probably gambling. Buy and hold strategies in diversified stocks less so. That’s where a lot of pensions are.