The Supernatural

well God got bored one day and so to amuse decided to experiment. Instead of everything and every spirit being “Godddamed” perfect some would be placed in another place and given “free will”

the null hypothesis being that : they will simply kick s…t out of each other; self-implode and never return to “goodness”

now stick that in ya canoe and paddle up the pumicestone!:smiley:

I had a silver tabby
Well sort of grey it went
It’s teeth were fallin out at night
And it’s fur all straight and spent

The vet said she’s now past her prime
Wouldn’t gas her for a shilling
Next time she kicks up a fuss
Have her stuffed even if not willing!


ps: I’m one of the nicest guys on the planet what makes you think otherwise?

Perhaps this bit of history might explain ?

Not quite fair without stating why and where those ‘responses’ were made
It will be Ragdoll cats in Pets section
I will quote you, which I responded to …

This heartless Aussie is not a cat-lover and find it hard to believe that this thread has run to 27 pages.
By Pumicestone

Maybe she’s just not a full shilling

Gawd - this one took some finding

This was my response to the lady giving birth in the woods - a lighthearted thread - lighthearted response - seeing as people here thought the story was farcical …

Can we stay with the topic now …

I can call myself anything I like, dear Patsy.

A bit different from you slagging off others who merely differ with you.

But for godsake, can we move on ?

Yes - would be nice

I knew you were really !:smiley:

miaow - hope ya not a ragdoll cat? :confused2:

You have no idea how much it pains me to agree with these silly women, Gummy.

Can you please stay with the plot so you and I and Realist can have an intelligent discussion ? :smiley:

I think we need ‘male’ only and ‘female’ only sections - they fuss about like a pair of old washerwomen?:mrgreen:

ya know - the men go off to war and the women stay and watch the bairns!:shock:

now were am I - the ragdoll cat section or what?

did ya hear the funny tale about the ragdoll cat?

Don’t bother boring us with a Ragdoll Cat tale, Gumbud!

Hi Docholliday,

Yes I did notice. I could put his Link on here if you like.


No - I am a Tiger !!

That one doesn’t work for me. :cry:

Now then Gumby, I do have all the answers as far as I’m concerned, so as this is a forum where we exchange thoughts and opinions just for fun, I thought I might explain mine. The heading is titled ‘Supernatural’ that means that everybody has an opinion that will probably never be proved. If it could be proved one way or the other then the heading would have to be just ‘Natural’

As well as presenting my theories, I like reading other posters theories, sometimes they might be more convincing than my own, in which case I may adopt a new point of view.
So Gumby, why not put down you’re tinny of Fosters, shut down the barbie and put forward your own theory. Don’t forget to punctuate it correctly though, you know what the’re like on here.

Now then Gumby, I do have all the answers as far as I’m concerned,

yes and that precisely is the problem - in our younger days we called it “cock-sure” - get the idea?

Nope and I don’t want any either. This world seems well f****** up to me as it is, thank you.