My dog used to look up the stairs and wouldn’t go up, one day I realised what the problem was, because I could see the outline of a little old lady standing there.
Wrinkly,dogs are very susceptible to strange vibrations or “changes” in room atmospheres…where I used to live it was a new building site on the edges of a cemetary,while the houses were being built work had to be stopped because human bones were found . Archeologists were called in and it was apparently a burial site,all bones were cleared.
My neighbour after the houses were complete had some weird happenings in her house ,she lived at number 13 but it wasnt called number 13 it went from my number 12 to 14…the house had many tenants but none ever stayed for longer than 3 or 4 months
I believe that, too Aysa. It also wonder if they not only ‘sense’, but ‘see’ and also ‘smell’ changes in atmosphere.
May, exactly the same morbid thought has crossed my minds before now as well, as I also live alone.
I’ve always thought my dogs would probably eat me eventually because they’d be starving after a while. :shock:
once lived in a rental property and we knew who the ghost probably was and I had met him in his living times - our dog certainly could sense he was about - in fact a good medium [spirit not size] friend of ours told us we had not one but two ghosts and we knew them both.
I did think of starting a ‘ghost’ collecting society but thought for me it would a bit lonely!:-p:-p
Hells bells Mups,that’s just too too morbid :~)…I’m glad I don’t have a dog now as it would be My poor Daughter who would find Me after a couple of days.
Peter Cushing made a film ‘The Uncanny’ along those lines, Mups - but it was cats who ate their owner ! Scary!!
Oooh, 'horrible thought I know, but I have often wondered what they would do if their ‘chief cook and bottle washer’ snuffed it.
Would they be the sort who layed by me till eternity faithful always, or would they gobble me up when their meals stopped coming?
I suppose it wouldn’t matter as long as they made sure I was properly ‘gone’ first.
Orbs if your not sure what an Orb is google it plenty of info there. I have a very beautiful coloured Orb on my landing just outside the bedroom door its always there if i get up during the night, but as soon as the light is switched on its gone but its always there in the dark very strange.
I may have seen a UFO once. Of course I have no proof since I wasn’t up there with them but I can say it was a strange triangular lighted object that disappeared very quickly
Aysa you & me both love reading about the supernatural. I love ordering books onto my kindle phone. Many are free. I don’t like violence & gore but just good ole scary stuff!
I think looking at how Elsie Labrador is always looking for food and not too worried what she eats (still a poo eater !) I have no doubt she would think food before loyally laying by my side, not sure about Betty (Chihuahua) some days it’s hard to get her to eat anything except vegetables I don’t think she is a natural carnivore at all.
Doc try to get a photo of it ,will be tricky no doubt if it vanishes in light though.
That’s interesting Doc. Must be someone looking after you.
I have a Kirlian photograph with something very odd in one corner as well.
How wonderful !
A question that has puzzled me for ages and not been answered.
assuming that one believes in life after death I am totally perplexed as to why those who have died or passed on are not able to make contact with very close and grieving relatives.
I do realize from stories read that people do give examples of this phenomena occurring but it hasn’t happened to moi and it just doesn’t seem to be a common experience shared by millions??
I believe in a great many cases Gumbud that those who have passed on actually “do” get in touch spiritually or otherwise and its just that their families or friends miss the experience or just put it down to something else and its gone…fleeting but still there all the same!
Very true Aysa
I believe such ‘experiences’ only exists in the mind and the imagination of a few. That is why only a small number of people have these experiences
The mind and imagination can play strange tricks on people particularly if there are in a vulnerable condition eg at times of bereavement.
I have seen instances of vulnerable people lead to believe that the dead are talking to them so that they come to believe they must be around ‘somewhere’ and their best course of action is to kill themselves in order to join them.
I’ve never had any kind of experience such as some Members have described here,but that does not mean I don’t believe what They say they saw/felt…My mind is open,and I certainly wouldn’t scoff at Them or tell Them They are just imagining it…a rather condescending attitude in My opinion…Each to Their Own say I.
May Whenever anyone dares to question those who have ‘experiences’ they are accused of ‘scoffing’ .
It people talk about their ‘experiences’ or something about which others feel sceptical they should be prepared to be questioned about it.