The seal in the fishing lake

I can’t help smiling at this story of Nelson the seal who wandered into a fishing lake and won’t leave

He’s scoffed all the fish and must think he’s at an all you can eat buffet! No wonder he wants to stay and is dodging capture, they’ve already tried twice

I do feel sorry for the poor lake owner, who is losing money and all his fish stock, of course

And Nelson is slightly injured and the lake is fresh water, not salt, so he does need to be caught, looked after and taken somewhere else

They’re going to try again today, meanwhile he must think he’s in seal heaven! :rofl:

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Once all the fish has gone,so will he be.
It`s not really funny,but it has made me smile.

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I wonder if he knows the way out or if he’s stuck?

I bet he doesn’t think it’s a bad place to be stuck :rofl:

They really can’t let him stay until he’s eaten all the fish, the poor lake owner will go broke :scream:

But there is something amusing about his free fish feast :fishing_pole_and_fish::fish::fishing_pole_and_fish::fish:

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I saw it on TV and thought it was cute but not funny for the fishermen, they are not allowed to fish, but the Seal can stay and eat it all.

I saw this on the TV news.
What a little plump cutie.
I do have sympathy for the owner of the lake watching his fish stock and income disappear.
Mature fish don’t come cheap.

I understand there’s already been a failed attempt to remove the culprit.
Another is planned.

So sad, they killed him when they tried to get him out

They couldn’t get him in the nets, so they had to use a tranquilliser gun, even though it’s known to shut off their “dive” reflex so they breathe in water and drown

A difficult decision but I suppose they had to try and remove him

I hope he enjoyed his last, fish filled days :cry: