The Rua Is Back!

CailinRua reporting for duty. The name is Irish for redhaired girl which I am!

Fáilte Cailin - you’ll probably recognise a few on here who made the leap before you. :slight_smile:

Hello Agnetha :slight_smile: welcome. I look forward to chatting with you…

Hello there, and welcome!

Thank you Meg and Love.

Hi CailinRua … :039:

Hello Agnetha :slight_smile: a very warm welcome to Over50sForum … :slight_smile:

Thank you, Morticia and Mags.

Hi CailinRua, when did you go away?

Hi CailinRua
A fellow Celt, I like to see!
Hope you enjoy it here :lol:

Some on here know me from another site which I have now resigned from.

Just a lateral question, based on experience, did not intend to probe, just trying to cover all bases.

Hello and welcome from me too :slight_smile:

Thank you, Myrtle.

I once owned a cat (or rather was owned by a cat!) called Myrtle. She died at the age of 20.

Well, hello there CailinRua, and welcome on St. Patrick’s Day !:smiley: Quite timely of you ! :wink:

Thank you, Gilly.

Hi CailinRua, l hope you enjoy the site!
Do you know Clonakilty?

Unfortunately, no, Art.

Welcome Agnetha…25 posts on your first day ! An energetic start !

Hello Agnetha what a lovely name :slight_smile: Welcome to the over fifties forum…