The real reason so many flights are being cancelled

People catch cold more than once. People catch flu more than once.
I believe Covid is now just another flu or even cold.


What else is new? It’s world wide


I have a different view of the reasons for the lack of capacity .

Pilots who refused the jab could not be continued to be employed on International Flights as most Countries would not allow them to land as they were not vaccinated.

The number affected was miniscule.

It is an International problem, with air travel all over the world affected.

The problem is a lack of ground and service staff.

Check In staff, security, baggage handlers, refuelers, drivers, the myriad of people needed to get people on and off a plane and into the air.

They were laid off in droves and many have found easier, better paid employment.

It is not just on airport staffing, the flight caterers simply cannot get the staff to replace those they laid off.


Those are almost exactly the reasons given in the review in my post before yours. They were disposed off and now with a labour shortage why would they want to come back?


Bruce, sorry for repeating your arguments, I did not read everything back.

Entirely my fault.

It’s not a problem, I wasn’t complaining just agreeing and adding a bit more about the disposed of workers.

That’s rubbish Swim, you don’t think they are going to report that it was being forced to have the vaccine if you want to keep your job. The irony is, most of these would have taken the jab if it was voluntary. This situation was well reported in the media prior to the rules coming in but now everyone is denying it…Wake up!

Just checking because it seemed very soon after your brush with severe Covid that you needed the pacemaker.

I was diagnosed long before contracting covid Annie. Due to the thickening of the scar tissue after the two heart attacks the electrical conduction had been disrupted and produces erratic heart rates. Having been a runner for over forty years you can identify even small changes in performance, and together with accurate running journals it was possible to see that I had been experiencing problems while out running for some time. This had been diagnosed months before contracting covid.

Covid attacks the weakest points in the body. So if you had scar tissue and weakness following your heart attacks it would have found a nice comfy spot in there to make it worse.

Quite a few people have had heart problems following severe Covid. I have a friend who ended up in hospital with heart problems. I have a colleague who had a heart attack recently following Covid. There’s a known connection between infection and long term organ / muscle conditions. Doctors are still scratching their heads on how to help treat some of the long term damage.


I have been unable to access any reliable source to confirm what you are saying.

Could you please help me out on this by giving me a veritable link.

I apologise in advance, I simply cannot find one.

Well you wouldn’t would you Swimmy. I suggest you frequent twitter for a while and all will be revealed. I will post a link the next time I come across a decent report. I know what you may think, but it’s one of the few places that still allow freedom of speech…To a degree.




There are hundreds of posts like these Swimmy, I don’t think they are all wrong.

Yes but what do right said fred think?

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Australia has no vaccine mandates for employment now (except in Residential Aged Care) yet there is the same chaos at airports. How do you explain that?

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There was a vaccine mandate in Australia Bruce, and you are now paying the price. As you know, once people have left their jobs for whatever reason, there will be shortages of staff later on down the line.

Latest news

Transport Workers’ Union South SA/NT secretary Ian Smith blamed the flight cancellations on staff shortages that stemmed from airlines sacking thousands of workers at the start of the pandemic.

He said staff numbers were still way below what they were at the start of 2020 and many workers had become contractors not directly employed by airlines.

So what have all these sacked employees been doing all this time ?

It’s no good having a go at me, I’m not responsible for all the shortages…If you don’t agree that’s fine.

You must know something that no one else knew because covid vaccination has always been voluntary. The only time it was mandated was for you foreigners with your nasty diseases entering the country if you weren’t vaccinated again it was not compulsory but you were thrown out.

Fair Work Australia also threw out any attempt by companies to make Covid vaccinations a condition of employment.

Aged care was the only industry with a public health order requiring workers to be vaccinated.

Any other theory you’d like to come up with?