The Power of Sheep

Officials at the archaeological park of Pompeii, a city buried alive by a volcanic eruption in A.D. 79, were concerned that out-of-control foliage could rebury the site. Pompeii is now preserved with high-tech tools, including drones and A.I. software, but custodians found an appropriately ancient solution to the overgrowth: hungry sheep.

“If they didn’t do it, we’d have to,” one of the site’s maintenance workers said.
New YorkTimes

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I think goats would have been better.They would eat the grass and the rubbish the tourists left.

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Looks like those Sheep have a Job for Life, pretty sure they will not be “in for the Chop”

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I’ve seen people do that around here with goats. Less costly grass and weed cutters. But I don’t live near an archeological park. Seeing goats right near supermarkets and other businesses is weird. Did the job though.

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I am unable to see a topic about sheep without thinking about Billy Conolly’s contribution :grin:

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I knew her mother

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Was she the pheasant plucker or the pheasant plucker’s mate? :astonished::wink:


Boom boom! :grinning:

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