There is just too much to unpick in this instance.
We need to look at the entire situation (which we may not have yet).
From the information in the reports. The police were trailing a ‘suspect’ with no identifying features i.e., a siren or flashing lights. They stopped him (surrounded him) and he was shot in the head. He did not have a gun, or any weapon.
Think about the entire scenario form the victims perspective, being pursued by an unidentified car and then being blocked in. What in goodness name was going through his mind, before he didn’t have a chance to have another thought.
It later emerged the Audi Mr Kaba was driving, which did not belong to him, is ‘believed’ to be linked by police to a gun incident the day before.
The day before? It could have been a family’s car he was driving (open driver). Does that mean because it’s not registered to him, he should not have had due process. I.e., at least a form of communication, to find out who he actually is, and possibly ask him to ‘step out of the car’.
We also need to look at race, it does play a part, no matter how we try to ignore it. Most police officers, that is all they see. Public respect for the police has fallen to an all time low in London, lower amongst black Londoners for years. This is nothing new (see Stephen Lawrence the Macpherson report and more recent debate July 2023). A recent report (March 2023) found the Met police to be institutionally racist, misogynistic and homophobic.
‘The report by Louise Casey, commissioned by the Met after one of its officers abducted Sarah Everard, taking her from from a [London] street in March 2021, before raping and murdering her, is one of the most damning of a major British institution’ .(London | UK news | The Guardian).
Nonetheless, armed officers are held to a higher standard and should be prosecuted according to that standard. Regular testing of the mental stability of police officers who carry arms is a must. In situations like this, knee jerk reactions, can kill, and it possible did.
What is important, is to know what prompted the armed officer to shot Mr Kaba, in the head?
What danger did he pose at that very moment?
Hopefully, more information will be forthcoming.