The Official OFC members selfie thread

Beautiful :slight_smile:
Not you,her.

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Aww you all look lovely :007:

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Awesome Pixie! Are you sure you Meg and Minx should be on an over fifties site… :question:


I didn’t want to say, but … PHWOAR :crazy_face:

Thanks d00d…
It took some shifting on that occasion despite all of the gouty medication. It comes back now and then but I can feel it coming on and a 200mg Ibuprofen stops it in it’s tracks. I don’t think it is gout, and both big toes are numb to the touch… :017:…But I digress… :anguished:

What! Even me Morty… :flushed:

Foxy at the Grill…Just love toast!.. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Aww thank you Foxy! I just scuttle in by a couple of years, but like Minx said, its all about the mindset, not the number, :thinking: :+1:

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I love your hair, Meg! The colour is beautiful :smiley:


I know, Morty…its quite odd having to re-associate the person with their actual face, as opposed to how you imagine them to look :smiley:

Are you on water Skis by any chance…?
or hanging onto one of those Parachute’s over the sea, rides from hell…

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@LionQueen thank you, that is kind thank you LQ…

@PixieKnuckles Thank you Pixie :slightly_smiling_face:
you are just as I imagined… :icon_cool:

I think everyone looks interesting and lovely… :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:

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… not least @OldGreyFox 's legs getting a grilling.


Pix you can come for brekkies anytime

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You’ve been at that sugar cane again haven’t you! :smiley:

Just taken this selfie,:joy:


I only just noticed the elephants. :sweat_smile::sunglasses:lol

Foxy, your legs are better than mine, seriously, you have great legs,no wonder you’re always showing them off!..:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::wink:

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OMG! I love your shiny silver locks. Very pretty.

You are as cute as a button.
Are you actually a senior? You look about 40. If! :+1: