The mind boggling scale of the visible Universe

Forget your troubles, forget your bills, forget everything you know for 5 minutes and marvel at the wonder of the Universe.


“Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.”


Truly amazing,i love this world/universe ,thanks Bretrick.


This is one of my favorite videos, and though I’ve done astronomy work for some time, this video always leaves me emotional about how extraordinary this creation is. That we have won the infinitesimally small probability of being sentient beings in this unimaginably vast universe is absolutely glorious!

Cheers, Bretwick!


I am very interested in the shows like “how the universe work”, " mysteries of the universe" and show like that and the wife always asks why I watch those kind of shows.


Not that sentient that we continue to try to destroy ourselves and the planet with our international greed.


How can people not be interested and amazed at the majesty of the universe?
I am totally fascinated by what is out there.
Undiscovered Worlds: Extreme Planets - Secrets of the Universe


Coincidentally, I’ve been fortunate to work with spectroscopy in the analysis of planetary signatures, particularly of atmospheres. I started at the University of Hawaii with the Hubble Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph


Such an exciting field to be a part of. :slightly_smiling_face:


Trying not to look at the Earth’s history and the number of mass extinctions when humans were no even around and say the destruction of this planet is humans fault?

Humans can’t even get the “history” of the planet correct. I have even less faith on their prediction of the earth in the future. One is, this is what has happened and the other is, “I think” this is, what is going to happen.

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is that the same field the cows are in?

I suspect so, and they keep getting stuck in the boggles.

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Luckily the cows were granted their own field(s) :grinning:

He was such a great loss when he died at only 49.

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I loved Astronomy. When I did my Physics degree donkeys years ago I chose one that had a large Astronomy component. We turned up at an Astronomy lecture and were told we had a guest lecturer. Who walked in, the late great Patrick Moore. His lecture was about one of his favourite subjects, Mars. As this was the last lecture of the day he stayed behind to chat to us. He was amazing. Although this was a long time ago I’ve never forgotten it.