The Martians are here!

This looks like something from Roswell - doesn’t it? It began life as a snap of tonight’s crescent moon - then I played!

IMG_9625 (3)


Interesting pic.
I saw the crescent moon tonight is it’s coming or going !

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Never understood waxing and waning for me it the same as partly cloudy vs partly sunny. My app says that currently it is Waxing Crescent. :exploding_head: :exploding_head:
What I mean is for me there is Full Moon and in betwixt New Moon and in betwixt.

I saw the crescent, you saw the whole of the moon.


Very witty :grinning:

I do try .

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Your playing with the moon is very clever, Tabby! I like how the bit on the left reminds me of one of those coil spring toys that kids thrown down stairs :astonished:

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There is something about that picture that I like.

Again, it would look nice framed.

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A slinky - never thought of that!

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Ha! That’s the word I was looking for! I even googled “name of coiled spring toy that gets thrown downstairs” and google saw fit to show me ringbinders :roll_eyes:

Google tells lies! :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat:

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Google clearly needs more fun in its life! :roll_eyes:

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ST, it does make weird photo’s, very atmospheric.
I am butting in here as I also have done similar, but accidently.

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More of a banana tonight.

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Hah, I remember me and my brother used to play with those, Pixie.
I think they still make them, don’t they?
What were they called, I can’t remember?

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Yes, Mups, you can still buy Slinkys.

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Aah, yes that’s it, Tabby - Slinkys. :+1:

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Yes Slinky’s…they come in all sorts of colours and sizes. I have one :blush: