Great news for you, B.
What luck to have nice neighbours
Yes indeed. Your don’t have similar?
@Besoeker I am pleased to hear you have such thoughtful neighbours Besoeker it makes such a difference to every day life.
I am lucky with my neighbours too…
Nearly all are nice except the @#*£& immediately next door .
Three terrible neighbours, one next door.
I have given up reporting him to the Police, naff all has happened.
The Housing Association are even worse, his garden is full of rubbish and would no doubt affect my house price.
Luckily this can be sorted by serving Legal Notice on the Housing Association as they are the landowners.
Next door the other side are great, others are a bit rough, but good, helping the paramedics get me out etc etc.
Who likes their neighbours enough to make themselves stay put?>? Ours are great but wouldn’t stop us upping sticks.
Of course its a reciprocal thing, no one could wish for better than us for neighbours.
I’d like to be your neighbour, you are such a fun person and I know we’d get on famously
GSOH LQ, Thanks, we’ve always got loads of Sugar and Tea Bags in, should you run short.
not likely as I don’t drink tea and don’t take sugar in me coffee haha. Now if I run short of wine, i’ll come a knocking LOL
Within a couple of days of moving in here, we had received “happy new home” and “welcome to your new home” from our immediate neighbours. Then, at Christmas, we received cards from every one in the cul-de-sac - even from the people we hadn’t even seen by then.
Maybe the locals were concerned you were about to disturb the peace.
Quite possibly, Spitty. Shame we disappointed them if that was the case as we tend to keep ourselves to ourselves much of the time.
These houses were built in 1965, we moved here 1996 I would go as far as to say, 90% were still lived in by the original owners, It goes without saying, the kids of these occupiers were grown up and flew the nest, so, it has always been very quiet, Over the past 25 years there have been deaths, and, subsequent property sales, but, out of the 265 houses on this development, for the first 5 years of our ownership, only two or three houses went onto the market, and, the further twenty years, only one or two properties a year go onto the market, so, Imo, a stable neighbourhood dictates the amicability of an area.
Wonderful to hear that someone has good neighbors since I’m having so much trouble with mine.
Care to explain a little?
We live rural lyrics so don’t always have a great dealnif contact with our neighbours.
Always a big get together when something is organized, like a BBQ or something similar. We look out for each other even if no one is immediately over the fence.
I can easily see how there would be a great community vibe living in a cul de sac
Welcome to the forum, Lucylulu! Hope you have a fun time here.
If you want, you could introduce yourself here and meet some of the other members.
Thanks for asking. Maybe in another thread. This one is so lovely.
Fairy nuff