The lovely neighbours we have

We moved to this house about two and a half years ago. We moved to be closer to the grand children, two south of us and the other to the north. And that’s good. Our new house is in a cul-de-sac so it is an easy stroll on to the walks for the dogs.

What we hadn’t quite expected were the neighbours. They are just wonderful. An example was a neighbour a few doors down who brought some scones about half an hour ago. Home made. The guy across from me got me from hospital when I was rather ill. Next door neighbour’s boys helped my garden fence when the wind broke it. The lady next to Ozzie brought us some tomato plants. I posted those on this forum. Then there is the green delivery man who makes big a fuss over Max. Lots of other things - too many to mention.

We got lucky…


That’s wonderful Visitor! Better than having neighbours from hell!

But, I’m sure you and Mrs Visitor are just as lovely as neighbours go!


That’s nice. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

And I’ve found folk have become more helpful, neighbourly, recently since the virus scare.

Yes you have.:slight_smile:

It used to be like that here,not now though.

That’s lovely Bes… in this day and age good neighbours aren’t anything like they used to be.
Whist I live in a cul-de-sac of 12 bungalows, it sometimes feels we’re miles away from each other. Everyone is lovely, don’t get me wrong, but because I’m tucked away out of view slightly set back in the half circle bit, occasionally I feel I could fade away and no-one would know.
But, on the other hand, when I needed an ambulance, the people next door and over the road were wonderful. Similarly, we all pulled our fingers out to help when a very elderly lady here (now deceased) needed a lot of attention and help over a long period of time
Otherwise, it’s very very quiet here.
My last place was in a cul-de-sac of 10 houses, which was on a slight hill - and that was more of a ‘community’ with things going on at Xmas, and all getting involved in shovelling snow and hacking ice off the road in that lovely long winter we had a few years ago. Because of the hill, some couldn’t make it up to their houses, so we seemed to hacking the ice for days. We all more ‘neighbourly’ than we are here - but I wouldn’t swap it :slightly_smiling_face:

What a lovely read Bes, I can sense how happy you are there.

I really don’t like the town we live in but I have to say our immediate neighbours are great.

They are quite a bit younger than us and they have helped us out a few times, especially the bloke. He’s put pictures up for us, mowed our lawn when John was ill and often he tells us if ever you need anything just hollar to us next door.

Also when we had our recent car crash they brought us a card round to say how sorry they were to hear. They call me Auntie Bev!

I have another neighbour across the road and she is great too, she bought us some chocolate goodies round and often brings us cake, she’s such a good baker.

I too like to be a good neighbour and when our latest neighbour moved in 6 weeks ago 3 doors down from us I made them a welcome to the neighbourhood card and a little gift which I called A Sweet Gift, I bought a little jar and put in some sweets then I decorated the jar with the words ‘A Sweet Gift’

So while I really don’t like this town I can’t grumble about my neighbours.

The neighbours at the other side? Well, that’s a different story which I won’t go into LOL.

You are a lovely bloke yourself Bes, I’d love to meet you and that gorgeous dog Max!

Long may you be so happy xxx

and I just realised I typed all that and made that post all about me!! Sorry Bes, :crazy_face:

Not at all, LQ.
I think you are a gem.
And thank you for the kind words.

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Great news for you, B.

What luck to have nice neighbours :slight_smile:

Yes indeed. Your don’t have similar?

@Besoeker I am pleased to hear you have such thoughtful neighbours Besoeker :slightly_smiling_face: it makes such a difference to every day life.
I am lucky with my neighbours too…

Nearly all are nice except the @#*£& immediately next door .


Three terrible neighbours, one next door.

I have given up reporting him to the Police, naff all has happened.

The Housing Association are even worse, his garden is full of rubbish and would no doubt affect my house price.

Luckily this can be sorted by serving Legal Notice on the Housing Association as they are the landowners.

Next door the other side are great, others are a bit rough, but good, helping the paramedics get me out etc etc.

Who likes their neighbours enough to make themselves stay put?>? Ours are great but wouldn’t stop us upping sticks. :walking_man: :biking_man:

Of course its a reciprocal thing, no one could wish for better than us for neighbours. :laughing: :man_pilot:

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I’d like to be your neighbour, you are such a fun person and I know we’d get on famously

GSOH LQ, Thanks, we’ve always got loads of Sugar and Tea Bags in, should you run short. :grinning: :walking_man: :biking_man:

not likely as I don’t drink tea and don’t take sugar in me coffee haha. Now if I run short of wine, i’ll come a knocking LOL

Within a couple of days of moving in here, we had received “happy new home” and “welcome to your new home” from our immediate neighbours. Then, at Christmas, we received cards from every one in the cul-de-sac - even from the people we hadn’t even seen by then.

Maybe the locals were concerned you were about to disturb the peace. :grinning: :walking_man: :biking_man: