The link between Halloween and Bats?

Bats are one of the most common Halloween symbols today, but their connection with the holiday is multi-layered, dating right back to its roots.
It’s thought that the bonfires built to ward off evil spirits during Samhain, the pagan festival from which Halloween is derived, would attract insects.
These, in turn, would attracts bats, meaning bats were closely linked to this holiday.
Not only that, but a lot of vampires folklore states that vampires can turn into bats, giving them an extra spooky edge.
And folklore aside, bats are pretty scare-worthy. Vampire bats live off the blood of animals - and sometimes people - and drink your blood for up to 30 minutes.
Definitely Halloween material.

We have lots by us,they keep their distance tbf.

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Setting aside all the romance if I remember correctly vampire bats can carry rabies.
Not that I’m going to lose sleep over it! :wink:

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