This is one of the main problems with some religions for a questioning mind. I was the same and haven’t changed as I’ve aged
Between the religious hierarchy and the politicians, ALL wars are started!
There is a second book
When my full time education came to an end, I made myself the promise that I would study something new every year - and I have kept that promise. Sometimes the subjects have been academic, sometimes arty/crafty, sometimes practical skills - I just love to learn - I love the hoops the brain jumps through to aquire knowledge.
I feel a visit to Amazon coming on! Thank you!
Edit: Found it - it arrives next week!
Or e-bay. Quite often some very good 2nd hand books can be found at well below the new price. This action not only saves you money buy also the trees
Here is one for £3.99 delivered
The Second Jewish Book of Why by Kolatch, Alfred J. Hardback Book The Cheap Fast 9780824603052 | eBay
when you get around to reading the Kama Sutra book
Been there - done that - nuff said!
That’s okay 'til you reach the keep-one-foot-on-the-floor section … not good for an iffy back
I thought that was how one aquired an iffy back!!!
Isn’t that more for snooker LongDriver, although they are both games using balls…
And holes. Or pockets, as they call them.
Another of my threads moved without the courtesy of telling me why!
I won’t bother to start any more - maybe I’ll just sit and write “The First Book of Forum Why” !!

You might find this somewhat heavy going, but it is informative about Mount Sinai and The Ten Commandments.
What Really Happened at Mount Sinai? -
An excellent read. My understanding has always been that the delivery and Law itself has been a heavily debated topic. Having read this article, I understand why. You and your wife’s approach was very similar to my parents’. We were introduced to the Jewish faith, Islam, Catholicism, Buddhism and a few others so we could make informed choices in carving out our own paths. I appreciated that approach and am sure your children do too.
ST, this a a really interesting subject. I haven’t read the book, but see that introducing the customs might encourage people to dive a little deeper. A very good share. Thank you!

Another of my threads moved without the courtesy of telling me why!
Just some TL3 geezer justifying their title Tabby…
Chiefs and indians springs to mind…
Try and remember to pick up your feet when they come round with the hoover Tabby…

ST, this a a really interesting subject. I haven’t read the book, but see that introducing the customs might encourage people to dive a little deeper. A very good share. Thank you!
Book Two arrived today - it delves a little deeper into Jewish Law. Just had a quick dip into it so far - am busy making an 80th Birthday card - but am looking forward to exploring it later.

am looking forward to exploring it later
Mazel tov Just remember, az me ken nit vi me vil, muz men vellen vi me ken. If you can’t do what you like, you must like what you can do

Mazel tov
Just remember, az me ken nit vi me vil, muz men vellen vi me ken. If you can’t do what you like, you must like what you can do
Wise words - thank you - todah rabah
It’s not Religion that is the cause of the wars, it is a person or group who try to hide their quest for power, money and fame in the name of Religion.
I have other names for the person or group but they are not suitable to write on the forum.