The Jetsons on HBO Max

I’m watching The Jetsons on HBO Max. It’s a really old cartoon about a family that lives in the future when space travel is common.

It’s interesting watching futuristic stuff like this from the past. There are a bunch of things they got sort of right. But other things are mired in the past.
Some things are just sad. For instance, the technology is advanced enough that his job is super easy but he still has a nasty boss.

I used to watch this show when I was younger. It’s a nice trip back to the past.

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I’ve heard of The Jetsons although I really can’t recall watching a single episode on the box.
Your post brought back a very vague memory.

We were all destined to spend our leisure time floating around in space wearing bubble helmets… I’m still waiting :grinning:


Thank you for bringing that memory to light @Chilliboot, it rings distant bells for me too.

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You’re welcome Effluvia,
I really had forgotten about it until now.
Heaven knows what’s drifting around in the back of our minds :slightly_smiling_face:

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I don’t know if this will play anywhere else, but if it does, it’s a playlist of clips of The Jetsons.

I remember the Jetsons well, loved it, it was a knock off of the Flintstones, wasn’t it?

Interesting to see what they got right and wrong about the future, still paying for things with cash, for example, and really sexist when it comes to “housewives”

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