I love technology and like the Internet I can get answers in a second to queries , recipies , addresses , maps etc it is quite amazing . Can’t immagine life without it . I watch old films and documentaries on TV and now wonder how life was without it . I remember trolling through the original yellow pages and phone book looking for numbers ! Yet it has its dangers like scams and darker stuff .
Yes I like my chat forums but on one chat site ( not this one ) some posters are vitriolic so I just read the chat mostly . The Internet definitely teaches me and I learn a lot from it
I enjoy the Internet and like @susan_m , I have learned so much from it over the years. However, my favourite internet years were from about 2007, until 2014 because I loved reading all the blogs everybody wrote, and Youtube was still fun to watch. Now with the explosion of social media, its become so filled with drama and silly videos of people seeking validation, I don’t really use it as much and I’m returning to books and movies more now.
Lots of ways for us. Where to start…
A simple example. We have a dog - imagine that! If he wants a treat we always check on the Internet whether it is fine for him to eat that. A melon slice is OK, onions are not.
At this moment in time I have like many others I suspect a love / hate relationship with the internet. I love the ability to be able to find out in an instant the what where and how of almost anything but sometimes I miss the challenge of doing things the old fashioned way. As for forums developing social skills I somehow doubt that. Social skills to my mind are largely developed through childhood. Many forums seem to be frequented by shall I say the not so young generation who’s social skills are largely ingrained and almost impossible to change. But on the plus side the internet and forums can and often do bring people together and in many cases lighten their load with timely advice and help.
I’m not sure if it has and how it can help me improve my social skills. What I appreciate more than anything else is the plethora of information it provides on any subject particularly those which only experts used to have access to. It can also be quite entertaining as a resource, e.g., making it possible to watch old TV broadcasts from the 60 and 70s which I tremendously enjoy.
What I mean by social skills is, how to address members/ people, in a dignified and respectful manner, I learnt that mainly on my Christian forum, none of us are perfect on there, many still argue like there’s no tomorrow,…we learn a lot from others examples, that’s if we are willing to listen and observe, …I have a great mentor on that forum and she keeps me grounded, speaks with dignity and respect, unfortunately not everyone can do that, …imo…
I have just been speaking with a bot, for a British Gas home care appointment, darn thing drove me crazy,…anyway it secured me a appointment next Tue 20- 12-2022.
I wasn’t rude to it,…it’s impossible to get through to BG so I went through there web site, it wasn’t to bad in honesty, I may have exaggerated a little bit,
Times are really changing…when I can remember never knowing anything about the Internet, now look at me, still a long way to go with understanding all this Tech stuff, but at least I’m trying.
yes without it now would make life a lot harder. Having access to the world and what it has to offer is amazing. Now the first port of call for any information on any subject
The internet has made the provision of repeat prescriptions just an e-mail away for me and Mrs LD. It also allows extended family contact anywhere across the world that has some kind of internet connectivity.
This forum has made me aware of moderation by algorithm which in no way hones any social skills.
Our prescriptions are delivered by our nominated pharmacy. They do everything for us from ordering to delivering to our house. All we have to do if fire off the e-mail request and the pharmacist does all of the arranging. This has been in place since the 1st lockdown when we advised not to go out unless an absolute emergency.