The ‘I don’t know how I got away with it’ thread

This morning a mini bottle of wine, with a mouthful left in it, dropped from the fridge door to the floor. Landed half on the rug, half on the tile, and didn’t shatter. Phew!!


Changed the blade on an electric wood plane. Turned it on…metal shards flying out everywhere, up down, left, right and centre, embedding themselves in many places. Not a single piece touched me.


Wow! That was lucky.


It sure was. Makes one respect just how powerful these little power tools are.

Good news about your wine bottle though!! Tend to find that when I drop something, I manage to get my foot under it in the nick or time to soften the landing, which has the adverse effect of kicking it onto a hard surface and causing even more damage :confounded::rofl::rofl:


I did that yesterday, after having beaten death twice in the retail park! Trod on my own foot by my car and careered into it, banging my elbow. Missed the step down when I exited Currys. Then at home I was getting something to show my sister, and knocked a 1.5L bottle of carpet shampoo onto my bare foot. Ouch!!!

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I helped my friend clean her beauty salon yesterday, there was a row of perfume bottles on the work surface,I needed to wash the floor, the curtain was to long, so I thought I’d chance it and rest the curtain on the bottles, when the floor had dried, i gently lifted the curtain, the bl…y lot fell on the floor!..:joy::rofl:…thank God not one shattered…:joy:




Oh Jazzi, I will be frequenting this thread, I’m always having mishaps, :sweat_smile:
Great topic by the way!!.:+1:

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:open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth:…Crikey Dex, you were lucky!!..:open_mouth::open_mouth:

Great, thanks!

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delete… can’t get link to work quite right

@Dextrous63 YOU changed the blade !! Only one blade ??
I fort you woz a maffmetission ?? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

Hit a super shot, on the golf course.

Then the ball hit a tree, pinged back at massive speed and flew right over my shoulder., smashing right into the kidneys of a player going the other way.

As I helped him to his feet, he said, “You’d think the idiot who hit this stupid shot would have stopped and asked if I was OK?”

I replied, “Yes, very bad manners”!

And walked away!


He WAS okay, wasn’t he? :grinning:

The first couple of years posting on the old site. :smiley: :icon_wink:

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I’ll drink to that! I’m impressed that you were still staggering about in the morning, I’m usually sleeping it off by then.


Lol, I have just a few mouthfuls with a lunchtime roast, if at all!! I was getting milk out and the bottle of wine became dislodged.

I very rarely drink alcohol nowadays. Disrupts my sleep.

Well, don’t drink in bed :icon_wink: :+1:

getting away with it ? erm occasionally but not often