The Historic Prescott Hill Climb

The Midland Championship

They have a Hill Climb in Wollongong on the road up to Huntley Colliery. I am not very excited by hill climbs to be honest

When I was a kid living in Cheltenham I used to watch a sport which I think was called “Scrambles” which involved driving a car up a near vertical grass/rock/dirt slope with two wheel rear drive and an ordinary differential. The cars had a a separate handbrake on each rear wheel, was always an open car like a Morgan plus four and carried a passenger beside the driver. The driver and passenger bounced up and down to help each wheel maintain grip combined with manipulating the handbrakes

I haven’t seen or heard of it since I was a kid and the name “Scrambles” might be wrong but as a child I thought it was a lot of fun to watch

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