The Henges....some forgotten


Thank you for posting this .
I live about 30 miles from the Kennet long barrow so know the area and had no idea there were all these henges about .
Although there is a Neolithic barrow in a field about five miles from my house.


I lived not far from Salisbury plain and its Henge and it’s many barrows .
As well as Stone Henge there is a Wood Henge …

Clay hill fort with its massive neolithic earth works is amazing

Neolithic Avebury covers acres it’s stone circle is my favourite , I was there for the summer solstice about 7 years ago such fun …sheep grazing ,music , dancing & quite a lot of drinking …it was a good day.


I found that video very interesting - thanks for posting it.


I took my lads to West Kennet when they were about 10 and 12

And there was a hippy type woman standing in the barrow, sort of chanting and shaking, with her eyes closed, a spiritual thing! :rofl:

Next thing, I lose sight of my two and when I look round, they’re standing on either side of her, doing the same chanting and shaking, taking the pee! :scream:

Had to drag them out pretty quick, Gawd they got up to some stuff when they were kids, had to have eyes in the back of my head :rofl:

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I spent the night in West Kennet Longbarrow with 3 friends. We lit the barrow with tiny candles and meditated with respect to the ancestors and wondered at their lifes . It was a magical spiritual evening and when we came out early dawn there was a crop circle within view . I hope to do it again sometime .


Love it. :joy: :joy: :joy:


Thanks for posting. Being a Moonraker myself I have visited several of the sites mentioned in the video. Now I live in the land of the Wurzel, but we are not bereft of stone circles, the nearest to us being at Stanton Drew, not far from Bristol South.

We also have The Rock of Ages not far from us, about which the poem and hymn of the same name was writ by the Reverend Toplady.

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I’ve been to West Kennet,Stonehenge and Avebury on a University History field trip thousands of years ago.
We arrived at Avebury as dusk was falling on an October evening.
There was something about being there at that time…can’t really explain it.
But I do know I was completely underwhelmed by Stonehenge…somehow I imagined it as being much bigger.
Think Silbury Hill was on that trip too.


Amazing what distance they can cover apparently on a single day. They must be good walkers.

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Yes the same here , it is dinky.

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We have quite a lot up here I sometimes used to come across small ones out on the moors when out with the dog or on the Clyde’s back. My favourite is over on Stromness, “The Ring of Brodgar” I bumped into Neil Oliver there one day, had quite a chat with him.


Watched a program last night about a 8000 yr old henge under water off the Israels coast.


Neil Oliver, My hero Rox. If just half the politicians had his common sense the country would not be in the state that it’s in…

I drove past Stonehenge once or twice when I was a courier, doing a job in Yeovil, it was full of tourists.
This is my favourite stone circle at Castlerigg in Keswick…

The views are spectacular…I can see why they built it here…


I have only seen Stonehenge once years ago, it was a fasinating place and we were able to wander around as it was before all the restrictions were put in place. That Castlerigg one looks good.
This one is about a 20 minute drive from where we live, it’s a very unusual one because not one of the stones is over 6ft and the front/backs of the stones face sideways, not the usual way.
It’s called Achavanich, the dog and I walk the moors there often.


We had some American friends over a few years ago and Stonehenge was one of the places they really wanted to go. They were reasonably impressed until we took them to Avebury afterwards, THEN they were impressed.

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I don’t think that we have ever found the real reason why all these stone circles exist Rox. It’s the not knowing that makes them so fascinating and mysterious. They seem to have some significance with planet alignment.


I’ve just watched that programme this evening, as I had recorded it. Fascinating story from 9,000 years ago. Interesting theory, that there could be a link to to Stonehenge.


I believe so, We have a Neolithic Chamber here called Maeshowe and it’s very definitely aligned with the Winter Solstice.


What channel was it on? Will see if I can get it on catch up, sounds like something that I would enjoy.

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