The Grisaille Technique

I wish Marge would post her art work on the members art work thread !
I am in a messy state with sticky oiled works half done collecting dust and hairs so am going back to my usual topic
Trying the Grisaille technique again .
Underpainting in acrylics.

Muddy, I’ve asked Marge to send me some pictures of her work with explanations of technique.
I’m not sure where to post them, but I’ll try to post them in a related “Marge’s painting” sub-section, assuming I can get this thing to work.

You could do that or you could put them in Members Art Work

Oh you’re asking the wrong person, Muddy! I have problems navigating this forum as things are; trying to find a particular section is even more of a challenge. As I’ve said before: too many sections, sub-sections and sub-sub sections. My tiny mind cannot cope.

I know JBR
The only way I can find my own threads is by looking at activity .
Sometimes not even then.

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A bit more

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That is amazing, Muddy!

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Thank you Mags
Added some mane


Wow! The mane looks so natural now!

Back on this thread

The reason why one should not do the Grisaille technique in blue !

( Grisaille means grey )

I did this a good while back and decided to put in the colour and now I have a green horse !

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So have to do it all over again

I quite like that, Muddy. :grinning:

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Trying to tone down the green

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