The green planet

This looks interesting .

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Another one I hope comes out on DVD!

Edit: Just seen another article about Sir David - had not realised he is 95 years old!

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@Muddy - Wandered into Amazon - it is coming out on DVD - have placed a pre-order! Thank you for the ‘heads up’, Muddy!

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This looks awesome. Will definitely be on the ‘must watch’ list.

@SilverTabby 95! wow, but the I guess he has been a mainstay for so many generations now.

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It’s on bbc iPlayer

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Blimey 95! I didnt realise he was that age either…what a life!

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Thanks - but I cannot watch that - I do not have a license.

I remember reading when D.A. was 90, but I am surprised that another five years have passed already!
What a man. I would love to have seen even half the things he has.
He will be a very hard act to follow.

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True, Mups, I do not know of anyone following in his footsteps. His son is in Australia, a lecturer in Anthropology (I think), and his daughter is, or was, a school teacher.

@Muddy Yeah,l must make sure l watch that!
l happen to have the complete set of his Blue Planet series of
CD’s , which l have owned for about twenty years now, l still
watch some of them on occasion !
Thanks for the heads up Muddy !
Donkeyman! :+1::grin::grin::+1:

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Excellent series, Donkeyman - I also have that one and Blue Planet 2, and 8 others. One of the most amazing programmes he made was ‘Tiger - Spy in the Jungle’ - did you see that one?

@SilverTabby Was that one of his later ones Tabby ? If so it
explains why l didn’t get it ?
I expect l can see it on U Tube l Spose ?
Donkeyman! :+1::grin::grin::+1:

It went out in three episodes - March/April 2008. And it is on YouTube -

Which ever way you want to watch The Green Planet I don’t think you will be disappointed at all. I thought it was excellent; well worth the hour spent watching it.

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It’s an amazing program. Makes me see plants in a different way certainly.
David never makes a bad program, he is a legend in his own lifetime.

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The filming was amazing ,the equipment they used was mind boggling .
I was fascinated by the symbiotic relationships of the ants and the fungus and how the trees fight back .

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