The Gardening Year 2013

I generally place another seed against each cane when I plant out the first batch of seedlings, which then has same effect…

I haven’t yet set any french beans, but I’ll probably just pick up a few plants now from the garden centre.

I’ve just looked up the 10 day weather forecast for Kettering and there’s no frosts in sight so I will leave my tender plants outside from now on - unless things change.

I’ve done the same Alan - last night I left a lot of stuff out.
Getting fed up with toting stuff in and out :roll: - the greenhouse was 40C earlier - much too hot, so the door is wide open, cooling it down.
I have some shelf room now…hmm, what seeds shall I plant?:smiley: I have a packet of Honesty, which I love for the seed heads for winter in the fireplace.

Alan :slight_smile: I do the same thing but for different reasons.
I only have room for 16 canes so I plant a first lot of beans to go out early (April usually) then a second lot a couple of weeks later in case the frost gets the first ones :slight_smile:

I have planted a first lot this morning.

I have 16 canes too Meg, ample for us and we freeze most but we eat the French beans straight off :wink:
I’m planting beans and the few plants I have tomorrow.

I’ve always struggled to find a method of freezing runner beans. To blanch or not to blanch, that is the question. All advice welcome…:slight_smile:

I have a very small garden by choice having downsized 10 years ago. I miss having a garden with vegetables.

My gardening hero Percy Thrower , who I met in person 3 times told me Runners should be planted on MAY 8th, full stop.

This advice has served me well.

I am, a bit of a dreamer and had great fun trying out new things in the garden & runners figured largely in this endeavour.

I grew Red flower varieties, White, White & Red (Painted Lady) PInk.
I had pleasure in FRENCH beans too. Climbing, Dwarf, red flowers, white flowers, purple pods yellow pods
Aah memories

My fav. method was to salt them which worked brilliantly, but needed a good rinse to release the salt.

SAlting is putting layers of beans between layers of salt, then they go quite compact, but the salt ruins KILNER jars

I have the same problem with preserving runner beans Barry. I’ve tried salting - too salty even when soaked overnight; not blanching - rather squishy when defrosted and likewise when blanched.

Good luck Janela :slight_smile: I really don’t think we will get much in the way of frosts now.

Barry :slight_smile: I have tried both ways and did a direct comparison test last year and am now sure blanching is best.

I think a lot depends on the variety of beans and how much flaviour they have to begin with , some beans freeze better than others.
I find it is best not to slice the beans too thinly then once blanched it is essential to cool them quickly by plunging in iced water. I then dry them in a tea towel before freezing.
I steam most vegetables but frozen beans seem best added to boiling water then cooked quickly for a few moments.

I wonder why the Gauls eat so many legumes?

I suppose you have to say that for a nation which sates its appetite with snails ,frogs & horses, beans are a fairly run of the mill staple diet

Not sure Robert :confused:

As for freezing runner beans, I slice them and freeze them raw as soon as they are picked.
I’ve tried other ways and this seems best, for us anyway.

Didn’t get my beans in today, hubby wasn’t feeling well and it rained, so tomorrow will do :smiley:’re harvesting beans in MAY?

Janela have you ever grown an Olive tree,I saw some the other day in the garden centre and wondered if they were easy, I mean they look a bit battered before you plant them and thats the look for me,as the man in TV used to say "Suits you Sir. Battered tree for a battered woman.

That’s very odd annie … I’ve been looking at them myself :surprised: but probably like you, I didn’t think they would do well in our climate … but they do :slight_smile:
This link might help you make up your mind.

So, I may get one and my granddaughter is crazy about olives, so I might get one for her too.

Battered is a good style :smiley: obviously popular with us ladies of mature years.

No, Robert - they are not planted yet!

Thanks … then the Olives are us.Have you ever had a Yukka!

YUCCAs are lethal, they throw out sharf pointed leaves which would penetrate a tank.

Thanks Robert not going there then.

My daughter bought me an olive tree which I’ve now had for 4 years growing in a large pot. It has survived the recent harsh winters but it has never fruited and it doesn’t look particularly attractive