Respect Barry, I know what goes into this stuff, single handed, it ain’t easy.
Very smart Barry.
How much would it be per night, and are dogs allowed?
Super shed, love it. Probably too posh to be called a shed though.
Was surprised by no ant caps then remembered you don’t have termites. I think here it would have had a concrete slab floor because it is cheap and quick but that’s just how things are built here (new houses are all concrete slab these days).
It was also quite odd to see the walls going on before the roof, once the frame is complete here the roof is put on before anything else is started but again the local way of building
What are you going to use it for?
It’s brilliant !
Can I have one in blue please
Barry, l am really impressed, you’ve done a brilliant job there.
I love how you can sit in there with views of your lovely garden.
Well done and l hope your wife realises and appreciates what a talented, wonderful husband she has!
I love it Barry… especially the corner window that allows you views of the garden … the colour you picked is just right too. What an asset … just love it.
Thanks Spitty, I’ve been watching your project too, so the respect is mutual…
No charge for you Mups, we’ll no doubt need a test driver and the dogs can supervise…
Hi Bruce, it’s for Rosemary to pursue her hobbies in, painting and reading mainly in peace and tranquility.
Coming right up Muddy…
Aw shucks…
Thanks Summer but the colour scheme is Rosemary’s, I never thought it would work and needed quite a lot of convincing.
You’ve done a fantastic job there Barry - you should be well pleased on how it’s turned out. Is the external cladding PVC or timber?
Stunning garden Barry and Rosemary looks lovely.
It’s timber Judd, came pre-finished in a very light grey which we then had to repaint, pleased with the outcome though.
Rosemary always looks lovely Annie, and there is nowhere she would rather be than messing about in the flower border.
Fantastic well done you are very “clever” looks fantastic
I think you are very clever Barry & I love it.
One thing on my mind though - Why didn’t you just convert one of the bedrooms?
No spare bedrooms to convert Carol, we just have an en-suite bedroom each and then the loft, which we have been using as our office/hobby room. Rosemary, however, wanted more space and her own studio/hobby room where she could spread out her activities, a bit like a “woman cave” I guess, so that was my brief and it’sworked out pretty well I think…
I have just finished the insulation today and the plasterer is starting Tuesday, so perhaps another week and it should be fit to move into, fingers crossed.
It’s great I am so envious
By 'ec Barry, I love that! It’s brilliant!
I’m envious of it too I would love that…no space for it though mores the pity lucky lady Mrs Barry
The last few photos now of the last few stages…
Frames all insulated and ready for plasterboarding
Plasterboarded and scrimmed ready for plaster
Plastered and painted, laminate floor laid and skirtings fitted
Furniture and shelving installed, and now in use by a happy customer
All done and dusted, happy days…
Absolutely fabulous Barry!
Rosemary couldn’t ask for better, well done!
Absolutely lovely Barry.
A fantastic job. That’s better insulated than my house.