Evening all.
I always thought it was a poem,I don’t know why?
Evening all.
I always thought it was a poem,I don’t know why?
Don’t you dare be good, Morticia, there’s far too much of that going on round here already.
what? 27 rule books got thrown out today - well this site is certainly morphing ain’t it just - we’ll be all talkin about nudity soon - have I missed anything so far? I’m not on remission yet
ps: has anyone spotted Adam and Eve and the apple yet - Morticia put down that apple OMG can’t let her loose for a minute! [ I’ll go and get Malcolm if ya not careful]
It’s like a bolt of lightning when talent, and imaginative mind, and skill all merge. This is exactly the way I feel about Bosch’s work - surreal, novel, funny, inspiring, dark, bright, grotesque and beautiful all rolled into one. I think Dali had to have been inspired by his work. Such a gorgeous pallete! This is the folded exterior of the triptych.
sorta - my biblical mind sees the brightness and innocence of the Eden garden - to the larger exploration of life with its excesses and enjoyments to an end result of darkness ; brokenness and death perhaps?
Yes, gumbud, a likely interpretation, especially given the time in which it was painted. I didn’t know your mind was so…
Gumbud, that is the most logical interpretation given the time that it was painted. There was always someone around bursting everyone’s fun bubble back then! If yours was the message that he wanted to convey, Bosch must have been terrified to do anything wrong for fear of the images and outcomes in his own mind!
I like Bosch.
on ya bike spittie ; on ya bike mon!..
If only you’d been here last night, Surfer, your thoughts on the painting would have been very much appreciated.
I would not know about washing up liquids or anything so charing, I am far, very far, in my own bubble for that…
I will ask the caretaker…
Logging off now but you had better watch the YT vid. There’ll be a test later!!!
Yes, Ma’am.
Habal ?? is this your longest thread and if so could you perhaps kick start it again?
It is also extremely interesting - thank you, Harbal!
Of course I could, gumbud.
harbel why not add this painting or one like on the thread on interesting paintings it’s is certainly interesting
Because since my brief absence, I have been relegated to the status of “new member”, and new members are not allowed to post images. Just imagine the havoc and chaos that would ensue if new members were free to post a photo.
I watched a documentary about Hieronymus Bosch during lockdown, but I can’t remember if it was on TV or YouTube, just remember being fascinated.