The Eggheads quizshow

A new series of The Eggheads starts on Monday at 6:30pm on C5. The BBC dropped it so C5 took it over.

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Oh good!

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I quite like this and have been excited ever since I heard it was returning.

Shame Tremendous Knowledge Dave passed away a while ago.

So it will be punctuated with commercial adverts then? No thanks, that’s not for me. I find 5 are the absolute bad guys for adverts and also money wringing text competitions. I’ll steer a wide berth thanks.

Did he? of what ?

Afraid so. From the trailers I’ve seen it looks like it will be teams of 4 now rather than 5 when it was with the Beeb just to make way for the dreaded ads.

Heart disease according to Google. He was only 51. :thinking: that’s so sad.

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Series 2 on Channel 5 starts tomorrow evening at 6:30. Chris Hughes is back on the Eggheads team. :026: :038: :mini:


A celebrity version, no less. Wasn’t there supposed to be one with the Chasers?

Dunno :man_shrugging: I rarely watch The Chasers.

I don’t watch every one. Usually Holly wants a walk about the time it’s on, and I wait to see who the Chaser is. If one I don’t like then out we go.

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Oh, I like him. I’m convinced that like me he has a photographic mind with excellent recall :ok_hand::+1:

Misread that as a pornographic mind.

I used to work with a woman who was very proud of her daughters “photogenic” memory.

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He might have for all we know about him :rofl:

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