The dreaded Wasp season

If I hung bunches of Lavender in my doorways and windows, I might not get flies in, but I’d soon have a house full of Bees instead.
My Lavender bushes are crawling with Bees, they love it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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There’s just no pleasing some people.

Anyway, still seems a shame to go round killing a useful (although irritatingly scary) insect.

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They probably won’t do anything - just say to leave them alone until Autumn when they will leave anyway. That is all that happened when a friend of mine reported a nest in her loft. Wasps never return to a used nest if that is any consolation

Wait…won’t smearing stuff with waspy goodness attract wasps…?

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The flying insect zapper in my kitchen attracts & zaps all winged stingers and very efficient it is too. I also have a better looking type I deploy in the sitting room areas when needed.

Some years ago we had a wasp nest in the roof just above our bedroom window it was some kind of breather hole, I phoned our council and he said it will cost £200 but I can put some powder in the hole, so I got the powder put up my long ladder and had a brain wave, why not lean out the bedroom window to do the dead.
I pumped in 3 or 4 pumps in the hole then closed the window, WOW, the window was black with them they wanted to kill me, it was two days before I moved the ladder.

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Crikey. Just as well you didn’t do it from the top of that ladder!!