The cost of school uniform ..

We are all subjects to the ‘accident of birth’, with some of us more fortunate than others. I was fortunate, in that my grandparents sent me to boarding school where the regime moulded me and gave me the tools and attitude to succeed in life. It was instilled into me that nobody is better than me and at the very best they could be my equal.

I see … :wink:

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Many do not because they are blinkered by their upbringing and their circumstances. All to often, closed minds lead to all kinds of conflict and sometimes with unfortunate disastrous results :-1:

I hope they also instilled into you that you were no better than anyone else? :thinking:

Indeed, look at BJ and his cronies … and, worse still, LT and the Tory Party members, most of whom, one can surmise, had a privileged upbringing under the most comfortable of circumstances - no second-hand school uniforms for them … :laughing:

I agree with that entirely, LongDriver.


Of course. I am no better or worse than anyone else.

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It’s only money and shrouds do not have pockets.


Keeping it thread specific,… do you dress accordingly?

So why are you quibbling … :017:

Supplier has monopoly? Lack of market to keep costs low?

Its my thread/topic so I’ll address it as it please me… I’m not a pedant like some in here :wink:
What kind of attire would you expect me to wear?

Its sad that a child should be judged on the way he speaks an english failing unfortunately .


It’s not a quibble to express surprise at the prices of school specific uniforms. It’s around 35-40yrs since I last had to hunt down school uniforms; the last being Langley Grammar.

Hope the link works,online_chips:two+ronnies:E28Q2M2Xrt8%3D&bih=560&biw=360&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=isnv&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjzmLjv98D5AhUJCBoKHcLPAccQ4lYoAHoECAEQBQ#imgrc=f4LbEQ0STOvkaM


Well, cast-offs will have to do this time around … :069:

Have you seen the cost of darning kits nowadays? Outrageous :wink:

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Yes, that does make sense considering the rate 4 year olds grow these days with such high quality nutrition.

Of course it does … no point in spending your accumulated wealth on new clothes for the nippers … :+1: