The cost of school uniform ..

Moni was deffo into me and her mum too, but Uni won. That really did me a favour or I would not have fell hook like & sinker for my wife of 55+yrs :couple_with_heart:


Anyone who is paying thousands of pounds a year for a couple of nippers’ private education shouldn’t quibble over an extra few hundred for uniforms. It’s part of the cost of mixing with the “privileged” classes and it’s meant to discourage the riff-raff … :man_shrugging:

Are those who apply for and even win scholarship placements also “riff raff” who are desperate to mix with the privileged classes for some reason, and do/should they receive further financial aid with their uniform/essential kit?

I did when I went to public school.

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Oh, I definitely have no wish for the girls to mix with the riff-raff and this school will most probably exclude any dross. Nothing but the best for these two. I’ve already found an on-line pre-worn clothing section this morning for a mere fraction of the new cost. A good education is priceless and the foundation years are the most important of all!


Good for you … :+1:

Millions of parents don’t have the money to make a choice for their children’s education … :roll_eyes:


Yep. Lamentable but what can one do eh? At least uniforms in general pay a degree of lip service towards the concept of levelling out so that first impressions are approximately the same. Well, until the youngster’s mouth opens anyway.

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We are all subjects to the ‘accident of birth’, with some of us more fortunate than others. I was fortunate, in that my grandparents sent me to boarding school where the regime moulded me and gave me the tools and attitude to succeed in life. It was instilled into me that nobody is better than me and at the very best they could be my equal.

I see … :wink:

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Many do not because they are blinkered by their upbringing and their circumstances. All to often, closed minds lead to all kinds of conflict and sometimes with unfortunate disastrous results :-1:

I hope they also instilled into you that you were no better than anyone else? :thinking:

Indeed, look at BJ and his cronies … and, worse still, LT and the Tory Party members, most of whom, one can surmise, had a privileged upbringing under the most comfortable of circumstances - no second-hand school uniforms for them … :laughing:

I agree with that entirely, LongDriver.


Of course. I am no better or worse than anyone else.

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It’s only money and shrouds do not have pockets.


Keeping it thread specific,… do you dress accordingly?

So why are you quibbling … :017:

Supplier has monopoly? Lack of market to keep costs low?

Its my thread/topic so I’ll address it as it please me… I’m not a pedant like some in here :wink:
What kind of attire would you expect me to wear?