'The chatbot has transformed my life'

This is really interesting! I have used ChatGPT for a few things out of curiosity (mainly asking it questions, and finding ways to reword pieces of writing), and Goblin Tools is pretty useful to break down large jobs into smaller steps. I can see how it could become a huge support to people that might struggle with overwhelm.

Anyone here used it?

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Yup. Changed my life too. Helped me get things done I struggled with in the past. Helped me find resources I hadn’t imagined existed. Helped me sort out some problems humans have never helped with.

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That is so good to hear! Everyone slams AI (mainly due to fear and suspicion) but you mentioned 3 instances where its helped you enormously.

Used properly I reckon AI could become part of daily lives and “normalised”.

There are new ones coming out all the time, for all sorts of different support requirements, and given the lack of resources out there, there is a real need for AI for fill that gap, in its its own way :blush:


AI capability is not quite there yet, but the changes are coming fast. OpenAI’s new GPT-4o has some demos out that look amazing. I haven’t seen it in action yet, but it looks pretty cool. The rumor is that GPT5 may be around the corner.

The new GPT-4o can do real time translation.

Can be the eyes for the sight impaired by describing the surroundings in real time.

Can help tutor someone

Can express emotions and read emotional tone.

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I love one for the visually impaired…that is amazing! I would use this for directions because I have no sense of direction whatsoever! :laughing:

The GPT I use is free…do you pay for yours? if so, what extras do you get?

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I don’t pay for any AI. The GPT-4o in the video was just released to the public for free today but not the audio yet. Supposedly there are strict rate limits with the free version but i haven’t tested it out yet.

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Not sure what a rate limit is? quickly checks

Ahhh I’m with you now, yes.

I believe most AI is pretty much free for now, (apart from the higher levels of AI Art bots) but I’d be more than happy to pay a nominal fee for a streamlined life!

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What kind of streamlined life? No housework, no job, food fed to you, no aggravations?

Yep, that would be worth a nominal fee. :grinning:

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haha! yes…if there was a chatbot in physical form who could do this, then yes I would pay :laughing:

This reminds me of the movie “Her”…have you seen that?

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I haven’t seen it, but Scarlett Johansson who played the AI in Her sued OpenAI for using a voice in the GPT-4o model that she says was hers. It wasn’t her voice. They used another actress for the voice, but OpenAI pulled the voice anyway. It’s the voice in the demo. It’s called Sky. People were mad that the voice was pulled.

Do you think the demo voice sounds like her?

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Well I have had a listen, and to be honest I don’t think it sounds like her. Its similar but there are certain differences in the inflection and tone. I’m not much of a linguist but I think the Sky voice is designed to be more engaging

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