OK - how am I supposed to cook this?
My sons cat who thinks he’s a dog. He sits looking out the window for him if he has to go put and he meows if he goes to toilet and wants to go with him lol . This is Milo
When younger our cat used to chase sponge balls that we threw and. bring them back every time . I seriously think she has dog envy.
That’s a cute cat. All of them are on this thread
Big cat + small chair.
There are umpteen places that my cat visitor Buttons can use for a nap, all of them much bigger but instead he decides a small chair will do.
I would like to say they are not greedy and just want a small place to sleep… but after having cats for 40 years I have learned that they don’t like sharing , so sleeping on the edge of something means it is easier to bop any one that wants to share!
Lying in bed I heard something come through the cat flat which was odd as Buttons ( above ) had recently left, I then heard the cat flap go again and by the time I had got and opened my front door I as just in time to see Felix going down the communal stair so it looks like I have the makings of another guest.
What beautiful cats .
Buttons has just popped in, absolute soaking wet. Dried him off without losing any skin gave him some nibbles, he has now assumed the position.
Mr Fraggles,
I know Buttons is a bully, but couldn’t you have held an Umbrella over him instead of letting him get soaked ?
I looked out for him several times today especially when it peed down all day but never spotted him but the fact that he is now sleeping would suggest he has been out most of the day.
You must be his favourite person !
This is Justin, a most gentlemanly cat, a Fred Astaire of the cat world. He lived with me when I was in my 20’s
And this is Huggi. Huggi came from a rescue centre, under the name of Hugo, believed to be male, but it turned out she was a she, and Hugo become Huggi. She was always a very quiet little.
Love this.
You are a real soft touch… my cats don’t like men but I bet you would be their exception!
I have always got on with cats even the skittish one I can usually convince I am safe to get to know.
Besides I bribe them with fresh catnip and treats.
Only one rule and that is no scrapping, hissing and growling is OK in moderation.
These two used to fight but not now.
Perhaps they have come to an arrangement about who gets which chair!