He must think you are an angel sent to save him Twink…I often wonder what my cats truly thought about me.
Its quite a while now since I lost Sox but as I said here before I think about her everyday my thoughts are still of sadness but some happiness now too so I hope the sadness recedes slowly… George on the other hand seems to have got over his pal leaving him and seems to enjoy being the centre of attention he is my only cat now.
I hope you are all coping OK with the loss of dear little Rudi
Quick update. We lost her a few months ago. After a tearful chat with the vet we took her in and a lovely cat loving lady vet settled her down and made a fuss of her. She looked calm and quiet, not agitated, I think she knew she was going to the Rainbow Bridge to be reunited with Murphy, they’d been best friends.
We quietly left. I couldn’t stay, I would have been so upset it would have affected her.
Hi ! What a Cutie your little CoffeeBean is! My cat, Honey, is all black, too, except for a little white spot of fur on her underbelly. Im new & not familiar woth the site, yet, but will be trying to post a photo of my little furry miracle.