The Animal Kingdom has Marital problems as well?

I witnessed a Possum get back to his home at 10 am once. As soon as he entered the hole in the tree there was this almighty ruckus. Went on for more than 15 minutes.
I was imagining the “missus” saying, “You dirty stop out.
What time do you think this is? Out being a Gigolo with your Floozies.
If you think you getting anywhere near me…”
So much drama going on in nature.


They need the blinds down in my BH’s parents place at the moment.The kookaburra that lives in a tree in the garden keeps dive bombing it’s reflection in the window.


26 Mole Mounds here…

we can see them under the surface of the lawn… just about to break through…


What`s the betting she refuses to cook his dinner :scream: :joy:

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Sooner or later, we are all on both sides of this kind of conversation:



Interesting interpretation.

But also could have been an animal finding another animal in their spot and trying to fight for dominance over who was going to win the spot.

Anthropomorphizing it to be a marriage could have been happening. . . or not. Even if it happened to be humans doing it.

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