The American Bully

I agree - untrained dogs will revert to their natural instincts, which may be herding, protecting, warning … or attacking, maiming, killing … or anywhere in between. AFAIK, there are now between 10,000 and 30,000 Bully XLs in the UK (1), many of them unregistered - there will, sadly, be more attacks, and even deaths, soon.

(1) XL bully ban could lead to more attacks at home - adviser - BBC News

By comparison, there are only 7000+ German Shepherds registered in the UK:

German Shepherds: registered number 2011-2022 | Statista.

A short tale (or tail). Max, my collie, was beautifully behaved. He kept sure where the grandkids were. And me…

One time we were walking home when a couple with their Pit Bulls came on the scene barking. . Max gave them that Collie stare. No barking, just that stare. He sent them on their way.


It has been 9 months since the legislation to control ownership of XL Bullies came into force.

Sadly, there has been another little girl killed by an XL Bully in my home county.
The 10 year old girl was attacked and killed in her own home by the dog.
This wasn’t an illegally kept dog. It was a family pet, which was kept in compliance with the new legislation - a 4 year old much loved family pet, with an exemption certificate.

When the new law first came into effect, existing owners had the option of having their dog euthanised (and being compensated) or complying with the conditions of an exemption certificate (neutering, insurance, with muzzling and leashed when outside the home)

Deciding to have a much loved family pet euthanised, in case it attacked anyone in the future, is a very tough decision to put on a pet owner. I expect the majority of families would think their pet would never harm them.

This family have now lost their beloved daughter and the dog has been euthanised.
So sad.

Perhaps some breeds of dogs are suitable family pets while others are less appropriate?
Certain types of people seem to enjoy owning certain breeds of dogs, merely an observation.


People here stroll down the street with them, so many walkers carry big sticks with them