That dog again

I hope it is soon Besso. x

That is so lovely. x

Pics when you can please. x

Thank you Sweet P.

We, Max and I, had a long walk this morning. Mrs Mac stayed home - we had a delivery scheduled. Met a lot of other dogs and their owners. More than a few asked if she was OK - they are used to seeing as a team. That was touching.

Max gets along with them all but I couldnā€™t get a decent shot of that.

Later, we all walked and while we were chatting to a lady neighbour a few youths walked by with a group of Pit Bulls. They were aggressive towards Max. Max just stood there and stared them down with that intense collie stare. They backed off. Iā€™m glad he is on our sideā€¦

My son is blessed (or cursed) with a similar sense of humour to mine.

He called this pic a Maxican Standoff:

Love it Besso.
It made me smile. X

He has that ā€¦je ne sais quoi

Ooh, a black and white one. x

Collies usually areā€¦:lol:

You always make me smile. X

I consider it my duty!

From this morningā€™s stroll:

Beautiful Besso. x

Thank you Sweetie 3.14159
Itā€™s peaceful.

This is Max being ā€œrapedā€ today.

Love that pic Besso. X
Very colourful.

Thank you Sweet Pea.
I liked the contrasts. And Max doing what was told to do.

We did a very long walk this morning and took quite a few pictures. All sorts of things that I wonā€™t bore you with but this caught my eye. Just dew in the morning light.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Heard about the piebald pony?

Max does not like the rain.
Daddy, Iā€™m not going another step forward in this bloody awful weather.

Go on then.

(Did it only have hair on 96.85841% of its body?)

Testicles are 3.14 inches in diameterā€¦:smiley:

Another Max tail.
He and I were outside our convenience store while Mrs B went in.
A disabled lady came out and got on her disability scooter. She got very stressed because she couldnā€™t find her keys.

I offered to go into the store to see if she had left them there.
ā€œYou canā€™t go in there with your dog.ā€

ā€œIā€™ll leave him with you if thatā€™s ok?ā€

I did. Max gave her a gentle pat on the knee and laid down beside her.
I donā€™t know how to explain what can only be described as a compassionate nature or why he is that.

But I am not complaining.

Oh how lovely!