Texting on mobile phones

It’s the speed of the thumbs that fascinates me. I’ve tried but l nearly drop my phone! I sometimes use the microphone and it writes the text out for me.
I have to check the text first before l send it as you never know what it’s going to type!!

I always wonder why some of the street mobile phone users, hold their phone high, front facing upwards with their finger and thumb. Then keep it tilted backwards to speak.

I had to stop the other day on the cycle track and wait for a man texting on his phone. He was walking towards me and I could tell he was completely oblivious to anything but his phone. I just stopped and waited until he got right up to me and then nearly jumped out of his skin a split second before he would have walked right into me. So I think there’s a lot to be said for standing still while texting.

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I wonder how many phone addicts text whilst on the karzy.

I don’t know, but I’m not one of them. I only use my phone as a phone, and we are not inseperable.


I like text because sometimes I dont want a long conversation on the home phone with someone I just want to say whatever short and sweet , if I ring they want to talk and talk . A text is quick .

I have a friend who will text and say “hi you ok” and I know shes bored and really wants an hour long chit chat on the home phone so i will text back and say " yep I’m fine but busy " .

So texting has it’s good points

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