Tattoos, love ‘em or hate ‘em?

All my kids have tattoos now, it is a fashion the same as long hair was in the 60s. The difference is that removing or covering up tattoos is a lot more expensive than cutting your hair.

My grandfather had a tattoo on each of his forearms, one was his regimental coat of arms, the other something related (I forget what exactly). They were both done during WWI when he was about 20yo but when I knew him they were unrecognisable blue blobs.

I wonder how the modern tattoos will fare as the body ages?

I thinkyou read that wrong i did not mention kids being tattooed.

I have a tattoo on my arm which I don’t really like.

My friend has two full sleeves of really detailed intricate black and white artwork that looks incredible. Another has tattoos all over her including her face and neck (she owns the tattoo shop in town).

Our hair dresser is covered in random tattoos so she has a bucket of KFC, a sewing machine, and umbrella etc…

They don’t bother me one way or another.

When I see tattoos on backs of legs, and on their backs, where the person can’t see them, I too wonder why.

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Flowerpower, Many Apologies but l read the sentence incorrectly.
I thought, you were referring to the mothers getting their children’s names tattooed on their children’s wrists and back!

Most of our children have them but personally I think they are an abomination, you couldn’t pay me enough to have one… well, depends on how much obviously… :grin:


I have a small tattoo of a winged horse on my upper thigh. I got it for myself when I was 50, as I was an old bag when I had it done there were no worries about what it would look like when I got old and saggy. It means a lot to me and I love it.

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When I see tattoos on the backs of legs they remind me of varicose veins.


I once told a tattooed chap I wouldn’t employ him in a customer-facing position because of all the tats on his face, neck and arms in case it lost me any customers. I would employ him in a back-room role though. He didn’t like what I said one little bit but, hey, I wasn’t in a position to hire him in the first place.

I don’t really like them on the back of the leg either. I have one on the bottom of my left arm and one at the top of my right arm. Both can be covered, in the winter they are, with my sweater.
Both are birds, a swan and a humming bird, both in Celtic Art which I love. I’ve had them for years, never regretted it and never had the urge to get anymore.

I don’t mind them on other people really, its up to them and if they are happy with them or not. One I saw made me stare, and it was a large vintage sewing machine tattooed up the calf and mid thigh on the back of a ladies leg. It looked good, but imagine the pain and expense for something you can’t even see for yourself unless you have a mirror. :woman_shrugging:
I did have a dream once where a symbol was very prominent. I wondered for a few days whether I should have it as a tiny tattoo, but decided against it once I found out it was a maths calculation! :joy: I still like it though, but not inked forever.

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This tattoo looks good.

I despise all tattoos as they remind me of the Nazi numbers tattooed on Jewish arms.


I dislike tattoos.
I think a lot of people will live to regret getting inked as their skin ages .