Tata steel: What do plans mean for UK's carbon footprint

How long are we going to put up with respective governments destroying this country in the futile chasing of ‘Net Zero’ Are they too stupid to think that if we don’t make steel, somebody else will, and then ship it back to us on a diesel powered ship. 3000 jobs lost at the plant, and countless more in supporting industries. I’ve seen what happens to communities when an industry is shut down with the loss of coal mining. Poverty, crime, and villages full of slums, alkies and junkies, with no prospect of ever paying off debts or climbing out of the vicious circle. All the lost tax from the wages of the workers that will now be replaced with benefits and government hand outs paid by the ever diminishing working folk. Industry is the beating heart of Britain, or it was, it’s worth more saving than the point something of a percent difference it will make to the atmosphere, if anything at all… Go plant some trees instead of building millions of houses everywhere if you’re so concerned, but you’re gonna need steel for your fancy new electric car…

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