Take Lewis Capaldi's Would You Rather test on Skavlan

In an interview on Skavlan, Lewis Capaldi answered a bunch of “would you rather?” questions.

What would you answer? (warning: coarse language in video)

Would you rather lose your fame or lose your fortune?
Would you rather always wear a kilt or always be draped in the American flag?
Would you rather be a fat Mick Jagger or a bald Elvis Presley?
Would you rather live with your parents forever or live alone forever?
Would you rather sleep naked or sleep in pajamas?
Would you rather have eternal love or many exciting relationships?
Would you rather be in a room full of dogs or a room full of people?
Would you rather age like Rod Stewart or Sean Connery?
Too much sweat or too much perfume?
Would you rather be king of the bar or king of the dance floor?

Did you have the same answers as he did?