Take a breather! (breathing app)

The holidays can be a stressful time for many. Add all the stuff going on in the world, and it’s a recipe for stress.

Take a breathing break. :relaxed:

For some people, breathing can be a break that helps people calm down.

You do have to know how your body works best first because some people hyperventilate if they set the controls too fast or in the wrong ratio of in and out breathing.

Here’s a quick and simple breathing app (via browser) that you can set the pace, visuals, ratio of in and out, and sound to the breathing pacer to help you get in the rhythm of breathing when things feel out of control. (There are lots more for Android and iOS as well with more varied patterns)*

Spacer Pacer: Paced breathing app

*I’ve only used this once since I use the one on my phone more often.

And don’t forget to belly breath too … rather than shallow chest breathing.
It’s more relaxing, really oxygenates the lungs, reduces stress and helps digestion too.