Surprises are the best

Tonight I had such a wonderful surprise I felt like I wanted to share it with you. Anything positive is always a good thing to share isn’t it?

My niece called me to ask if I was in. She said she and her partner are just going shopping and will be calling in on us this evening.

They pulled up and she walked in our house with her arms full of surprises for me.
A dozen red roses
A bottle of wine
A Box of my favourite chocolates (Lindor)
And a ‘you’re like a Mum to me’ card

It was an early mothers day visit with gifts and a card and I just wasn’t expecting that when she called.

What a beautiful thoughtful niece I have. We are very close and I love all my Sister Julias children like they are my own.

I hope our Julia is proud of how I carried on her work, of course I’m not their mother and never will be but our Debbie told me she has adopted me which brought tears to my eyes. There is only 12 years between Debbie and I and I was only a child myself when she was born but a special bond was born that day.

Our Julia really blessed me with her children and grandchildren. Oh yes, I’m blessed indeed.

Now wasn’t that a lovely surprise.


It must be contagious; it’s bringing tears to my eyes now. :cry:

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Oh, that made me smile and you so deserve it. Love comes back to us tenfold xxx

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That’s lovely LQ.

Links on a chain of love, each connected , giving strength, unbreakable even when broken.

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What a lovely thoughtful niece you have, Queenie.

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The warmest kind of love is given to family, LQ. My own aunt was like a mom to me, too. You must be special to them. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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That’s so sweet.
Enjoy! :heart:

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You’ve had an absolutely fantastic week LQ and I’m really happy for you.

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LQ, you are a lovely lady. I know you have stressful times. You totally deserve that surprise…

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I think your sister would be beaming with pride both at yourself and her daughter…You are right Bev surprises are the best and in your case very well deserved :slight_smile:

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That is wonderful, Queenie, and it couldn’t happen to a nicer person! Enjoy.

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How lovely LQ, a lovely caring Niece you have.

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I’ve got something in my eye…

A lovely thing for her to do.

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