Surely Pineapple is great on Pizza?

I must admit all this discussion of pizza has awakened my interest in eating one. When my grandkids are down next week I might get one (or three)

Within walking distance I am spoilt for choice

The cheapies:
Pizza Hut

The sightly posher (and more expensive):
Julio’s Pizza
Pinocchio’s Pizza*

Even the leagues club does pizza


Hey @Bruce, since you said you haven’t had a pizza for a long time and you now have the urge to eat one, please, please, please find a good pizza place that serves you a real traditional pizza (wood - oven baked, if possible), you won’t regret it! :smiley:

pineapples, olives with anchovies on a pizza = yummyness


yes, pineapples and olives on a pizza :yum:


A thumbs up for pineapple on pizza here. Yum.

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I like both pineapples and olives - but not on pizza!!



well I guess if you are getting very particular - but I doubt most people would exclude mushrooms and capsicums from being vegetables

They are prepared that way at several places locally, I think the last one I had like that was at the local Leagues Club. Don’t forget Australia has a large Italian population (something like 5% of the population)

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Yes, I know that Australia has a large Italian population, that’s why it must be relatively easy to try a real pizza, no offense to others of course, but I think you can understand how “overly protective” I feel about our Pizza, defending original, genuine ingredients :smiley:

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Soz all you pineapple lovers (English really hit the ropes with that name - no-one else uses a name for it other than ananas). Sweet fruit has no place on a savoury dish.
Grown up and experienced palates prefer savoury. Perhaps foods such as olives need a bit of practise and trying before you like them. They are lovely once you get into the taste. So for me a pizza is best with strong cheese, anchovies and olives. And a bottle of Barolo.

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I think my palate is as grown up as it is ever going to get :rofl:- and I quite like pineapple on pizzas


Many Asian cultures prefer salty and savory snacks over sweet. Their children’s palates must be experienced. /s

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I like pineapple in other savoury dishes too - eg sweet and sour chicken.


I love olives, eaten on their own, as part of a tray of nibbles or a cheeseboard or in a Greek-style salad, but I would not choose to have them on top of melted cheese as a pizza topping.

Pineapple is OK on pizzas, though - in small pieces so it doesn’t make the pizza base go soggy.
I usually go for a thin-crust pizza with just the traditional tomato and cheese topping.
I don’t eat meat, so I wouldn’t order the Hawaiian pizza with ham and pineapple and don’t usually find that restaurants add pineapple to any of the veggie toppings on the standard menu.

There is a restaurant near my favourite theatre and they make a lovely thin crust pizza and you can specify exactly what toppings you wish to add to the basic topping.
I have occasionally gone mad and asked for sliced mushrooms, peppers and pineapple - I think it tastes lovely!


Oooh, me too.


Pizza made and Was chosen as a new gadget in play now
… needed an Easy Meal to practice on!

I use my Bread Maker to form the Pizza Base then add a tomato paste to it and then go with my fancy…this one was grated cheddar cheese then onion chopped oregano chopped ham and tomatoes on top. Took 15mins to cook in the Ninja combi so timewise similar to a conventional Oven but with the Ninja the cost would be the deal breaker…
True you cannot beat the taste when cooked traditionally but seeing I do not have a Pizza Oven then this is the next best thing for me…I am not a great fan of Pizza’s but do enjoy the occasional one…We had a few chips with it, also cooked in the Ninja but should have had Salad with it really
…Pineapple tasty with sweet and sour Pork or Chicken…Pizza noway ta…olives yuk!

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I could bore ya’ll to death with my homemade pizzas
I don’t like too much cheese but the photos thus don’t look as pizzare as they might with more cheese

I cook them on upside down grill pan (Americans call it a broiler I think?).

The dough is very easy to make


They look really good, well done!


I like pineapple on pizza. It has a sweet, subtle taste.