Suppose You Had 3 Wishes


Oh dear!

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Yeah! I dig creepy stuff! :imp:

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It’s like a Miss World question…world peace and all that…although I expect we would all vote for that but on a personal level aside from world peace a solution to global warming and happiness for all my personal wishes would be

  1. A cure for Multiple Sclerosis…my daughter in law really needs this

  2. Next week’s lottery numbers :crazy_face:

  3. A pill that kills calories…those little blighters deserve it :wink:

  1. Any wish I made came true. I’ll donate 2. and 3.

I would give one each to my sons,and my wish would be to end all illnesses.

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For my own purposes, I’d need use only the first wish, which is similar, in a way, to EZ_Rider’s reply, above.

For that one wish, I’d wish that I had a never ending supply of more wishes that always came true. However, I would stipulate that each of that endless number of wishes would guarantee being granted ONLY…if I wrote the wish down, on yellow paper, in red ink.

That would be like a safety catch against flippant or “spare-of-the-moment” wishes, we would regret making, later, about folk like an employer, work colleague, the person who was given your promotion, the rider of the horse that put your horse second, the neighbours who refuse to turn down their music, the entire government of your country, the makers of reality TV, the spouters of “woke” lunacy and it would prevent such sudden wishes as wishing your workplace would burn to the ground because the alarm just went off!

I had exactly the same thought when I read the Opening Post! :rofl:

After reading that Story, I would never tempt Fate by answering that “3 Wishes” Question! :shushing_face:


It’s what’s left to the imagination that makes it such a disturbing story.
That awful knocking on the door.

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My first wish To make my dog well he is very poorly.
The second I wish my family long happy & healthy lives.
Not sure about 3rd wish might hang on to it for awhile.

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I would wish for three wishing wells, that is how all good pyramid schemes start. :laughing: :icon_wink:

I don’t make wishes, most sound as if they would be impossible.
Instead, I throw my thoughts out verbally to the universe, and often the way to make those thoughts reality come to me, later.

Yes…I’m a firm believer in that, RN!

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Wishes are for youngsters :icon_wink:

If only I could have a puppy, I’d call myself so very lucky


It’s a Puppet!!! :grin:

I would want my full health and fitness back, since my fall my whole way of life has changed and I hate it.
Not sure about the other 2 wishes.

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Well that’s my remaining two wishes spoken for. They’re all yours Rox.

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