Sue Gray quits as Sir Keir Starmer's chief of staff

Indicative of “Reform” Not the party. The essence. Too Starry Eyed for that. Cosy Corner as “Regional Envoy” !! ? Comfortable and Pays well !!
Fasten the Seat Belt. For Morgan McSweeney/Todd’s. Irish style, no nonsense. Reform.

Quote from the BBC Article
“Lord Gavin Barwell, who worked with Ms Gray in his role as chief of staff to former prime minister Theresa May, told Radio 4’s The World this Weekend that she had “made the right judgment” to stand down from her role.

“On a personal level I’ve worked closely with Sue… and she is an incredibly dedicated public servant and I feel for her, but I think she’s made the right judgment, which is when you’re in this kind of job once you become the story it becomes very hard to do the job,” he said.”

I agree with Gavin Barwell when he said it’s hard to continue in a public service role “when you become the story” , so it’s probably best if Sue Gray stands down - it’s a damn shame she’s been hounded out of office in this type of witch-hunt, though.


Forming a New Cohesive Cabinet, of 26 Ministers. Is always,initially challenging for a PM.
Who’s priority is to form and maintain a De Facto agenda.
“Diversity to be avoided”. Characteristic of the Cummings/Johnson Saga.
Personally not seen as being “Hounded” Out. More her recognition of Starmer’s praise, Using the respectful protocol of resigning.
The process of reform is challenging, both within parliament & the electorate. Patience,Solidarity and Determination. Essential & inevitable. "Nothing worth having, comes without unified commitment. Which ever party Governs.

Bit of a dismal and disappointing first 100 days in government for Labour. It risks making a joke of their pitch of being a stable and professional party in power. Each bit of negative news has either been avoidable or better handled.
The winter fuel allowance was very poorly set out and it seems barely planned. Personally, I think there is merit it stopping the allowance for the well off. But they’ve let genuinely struggling pensioners get caught in the allowance being stopped. And they didn’t get the savings forecast to be validated. Everyone has forgotten the key message about the last government’s mismanagement while the message of a cruel chancellor is still present.
The freebies were stupid self-indulgence by all who received them. And the handling was terrible. On reflection, does anyone think that ministers in the last government turned down such freebies? A free loan of a country mansion for your wedding, Boris? Yet somehow the right-wing papers have had free rein to make Labour look like a bunch of freeloaders.
And now all this infighting leading to Gray resigning. Again, badly handled when people like chief of staff should be pretty much behind the scenes, not front page.
This is not what was promised and beginning to look like a shambles.


I think Starmer has been influenced by Marx.

“Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them …well, I have others.” Groucho.

Looks like the point has been missed, folks like Fiscal Responsibility in principle, they are just less keen in practical terms :icon_wink: