Sudoku - how do you do it?!

Although I excelled at most subjects, our maths teacher took a vicious delight at holding up my maths effort to show the class saying “and here we have another virgin white piece of paper from solo” and he wondered why I went blank as soon as I entered his class. :blush:

Doing sodoku gives me some small closure to that :smiley:

If you want to get started on them, start with boxes of 6 rather than boxes of 9.

Start by looking at every single square individually and asking yourself can a 1 go there, can a 2 go there can a 3 go there etc. You are looking for a box where only one number will fit. Try the easy ones to start with in the Mail for instance. After a while you get to see other ways of working it out but it takes a while.

like you, when i first looked at them I thought it was impossible to work out but now I do the daily mail ones in about three or four minutes.

I am useless at maths btw.

I’m addicted to it. I have a Sudoko app on my phone which has different difficulty levels.

The easy one at the back I presume? :wink:

That example was a doddle. :slight_smile:

You didn’t go to school in north London by any chance?

My maths teacher was like that. In the end I just gave up and couldn’t wait to leave school and go to work. Problem was with that I then couldn’t complete any homework so was caned every time for not doing it! At least I found a good use for my maths exercise books. :slight_smile:

One day that maths teacher went to his car at lunchtime only to find someone had smashed all the windows – Karma! :smiley:

No, it wasn’t me but he was like he was with anyone who simply did not understand and couldn’t keep up, no time for them just the ones who excelled! :frowning:

What was so frustrating for me was I loved learning and I could get the maths answers no problem but could not show or explain my working out on paper which he insisted on. He knew I could do it but his riddicule and ruler smacking my hands which obvious caused much laughter from others in the class meant a nightmare for me so maths became ‘shut down’ time.

What makes me grin is I know where every penny comes and goes and can add up quicker than any bank manager. :-D:-D:-D

I am from Hull, Judd :069:

I think you can either be good at words or numbers, not both. :wink:

I’m going to keep trying though.

I could do geometry and binary, one is arty the other has patterns which I’m quite good at spotting. Probably why I find so many multi-leaved clovers, they stand out.

It’s odd that my 1st wasband was a brilliant artist and mathematician, you wouldn’t think that would go together.

I could never work out how to do it so gave it up as a bad job, anything maths related and I might as well forget it, I’m crap at maths

Just did my first one!!!

Does sinus maths make your eyes water?

heres a free site to do lots of sudokus

Did it work out OK?

Anyone tried that train track thing in the Mail? That does my head in, have not managed to complete it so far.

Yep! I is very clever! I did another one today!
By Jove I think I’ve got it!

For now anyway! Thanks for your excellent help folks!

I’ve been playing on FB Games, It lets you change numbers if you get it wrong so it helps to learn how things go :wink:

Sudoku over morning coffee and breakfast - five levels. If I can’t do the fiendish I’m convinced I’ve gone nuts!

It’s logic…not maths!


Well done TessA. It was worth you doing this topic if it means you hopefully have another interest to enjoy. :smiley:

Lots of free Sudoku on line as members have shown which beats buying a book any day :mrgreen:

I have no idea…