Sudoku - how do you do it?!

How on Earth do you do it?!!
I’ve looked and looked at different instructions and still none the wiser.
Do you have to be a maths genius?
I think I have some kind of number blindness, never been good at maths. It was a huge stress for me at school and only learned how to do percentages and stuff at work.

Any easy to understand tips would be welcome.

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I do Sudoku daily so hope this helps…oh and use pencil;-)


Oh no I understand your puzzled :wink: expression completely, TessA.
I’ve had a go at Suduku before and fail dismally trying to figure it out :100:
I’ll stick to The Daily Mail crossword. I can usually polish that off in a tea break.
Good luck! :confused2:

Try watching this one because one explanation will click with you. Look at all the squares and numbers with her as it helps. As a maths hater if I can learn anyone can.

I was ok until she put 5 in the top left square, how did she know that was right?

I’m a whizz at Sudokus, I discovered them in something like 2002 or 3, and couldn’t leave them alone for about 15 years. But quite often pass nowadays, preferring Gogens and Battleships, both found in the London Evening Standard.

I can’t explain Sudokus and how to do them other than saying … it’s a process on elimination: instead of thinking where the numbers should go, think of where they shouldn’t go. :wink:

If you look at that square again on the clip and freeze at 3.51

  1. .9
    8 .4

She was comleting the down row which needed 3 spaces filling in. Counting 1 to 9 the numbers needed were 2, 6 and 5.
Looking across you can see that there was already a 5 on the line so no go. then the 2 was on another line also the 6 was also used… now watch and see from 3,51 on the clip how she placed that 5 and hopefully it will make sense then.

I can tell you that for someone like me that has always been useless at maths the sense of achievement is great :smiley:

How did she know the 4 didn’t go in top square bottom left?

Go to 3.24 on the clip and freeze . She is counting the empty squares needed on the second line across and only needs 2 numbers. Those numbers are 4 and 5 :smiley:

But… there wasn’t a 4 in the lines across or down for the top grid bottom left either.
I don’t see how she knew where to put it :frowning:


My apologies that should have read 3.34 on the clip so if you look now she needs a 2 and a 6 so watch how she places them in those down squares by checking the across lines.

It’s good to see that you are picking up the numbers that don’t go Tessa as it is a learning process with this :023:

It’s nothing to do with maths, you could just as easily use the first nine letters of the alphabet, so placing of the right number in the right square is just a matter of logic whilst remembering that every square and straight line vertically or horizontally must have all of the numbers or digits within it without duplication. Simples… :wink:

Exactly the same as me TessA, useless at maths at school but soon sorted that out when I started work. Not enough help given when at school to those who weren’t ‘top students’ was the problem.

My daughter and granddaughters (10 and 13) tried to show me years’ ago how to do soduko but I failed dismally, I just cannot get the gist of what it’s all about.

You are not alone in having problems with it, that’s more than obvious! There are now three of us – yourself, Floydy and me! :frowning: :-p

Although I excelled at most subjects, our maths teacher took a vicious delight at holding up my maths effort to show the class saying “and here we have another virgin white piece of paper from solo” and he wondered why I went blank as soon as I entered his class. :blush:

Doing sodoku gives me some small closure to that :smiley:

If you want to get started on them, start with boxes of 6 rather than boxes of 9.

Start by looking at every single square individually and asking yourself can a 1 go there, can a 2 go there can a 3 go there etc. You are looking for a box where only one number will fit. Try the easy ones to start with in the Mail for instance. After a while you get to see other ways of working it out but it takes a while.

like you, when i first looked at them I thought it was impossible to work out but now I do the daily mail ones in about three or four minutes.

I am useless at maths btw.

I’m addicted to it. I have a Sudoko app on my phone which has different difficulty levels.

The easy one at the back I presume? :wink:

That example was a doddle. :slight_smile: