Strange Windows 11 Phenomenon

The strange thing happened to me when I was copying some files to a USB portable HDD.

I used the Windows ctrl A, drag and drop to copy about 26 files from a folder on desktop computer to the HDD. Windows said that it would take about 4 minutes. Each fie was unique with a completely different file name.

While it was still in progress I noticed that one of the file names needed tidying up so after it had been copied but while the rest of the transfer was still in progress I changed its file name to, say,

When the transfer was finished the directory contain 26 files all with the same name!


Smith (26).xxx

I deleted all the files, changed the name of the original file, reselected all and drag and dropped them again, this time all went well.

What an odd thing to happen wasn’t it? Must be a bug in Windows. Anyone else experienced this?

Windows will rename files in that way if they are all selected and you change the name of just one of them. I think it may not be a bug but done by design. It can be a handy way of batch renaming a folder full of files. Have an experiment with a few sample files in a folder.

Was it a bug issue or was it simply a case of over burdening your processor while the file transfer was going on.

That is a good point, though all the files weren’t selected when I renamed the file however the process of drag and drop does select all the files after copying.

I don’t know, it is an old desktop that I only use for a very specific purpose, it is slow but the jobs I normally use it for normally don’t need my attendance.

… asking for trouble.

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Well yes, but not the end of the world.

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I have to say I agree. It’s like a windows way of saying “don’t mess with me when I am doing my thing”