I would have gone out, made a fuss of the horse & tried to find out who owned it. Was it in your garden? If so would have shut the gate so it was contained too.
We had loose cows once here trampling over the front gardens, the farmer managed to round them up.
Another time a pack of hounds that invaded the house when I opened the door to see the kids off to school. I rang the huntsman about those & he came to the top of the road, kennels was a few yards away, blew his horn & out they streamed back to him. His kennel man hadn’t latched the gate on their pen properly. A few got as far as the school, they are very friendly, hounds, but boy do the smell. Hunt kennels long gone now, it’s a housing estate,
Hi Serpo, I was a horsey bod years ago.
Looked after & rode other peoples horses for years, before kids & before we moved here had my own horse.When we moved here I found other horses to look after/ride. I was very lucky. I know some people are frightened of horses which is sad.
One New Years eve we sat up to see the New Year in. About half an hour later the door bell rang and I opened it to find a young girl about 16 in very few clothes! She said she wanted to get to the party behind our house and wanted to cut through our house. She was so drunk she could hardly stand. Of course there was no party behind our house and I was worried the next door she knocked on might be opened by someone with sinister intentions.
I asked her if there was anybody I could ring but she said no and tried to push past me into our house. I refused to let her in because I thought she might throw up and she then staggered off into the night.
Lol…The cheeky chap spent a while this afternoon sunbathing on the fence a few feet away from me.
I threw him some nuts, probably a bad move.
I think he will be back tomorrow.
We’ve just had the Badgers scratching at the door to be fed. The foxes come in the afternoon. If I’m in the summerhouse they are happy to be hand fed. Dammit, I like wildlife, we both do.